Chapter 19

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Sakura immediately made Nami change into something a little more going out worthy.

"I know I said girls night and don't hate me but change of plans! Girls night tomorrow! Then we can finally get you over Hidden."


"It doesn't matter anymore. He's an asshole. Let's get your mind off of him tonight."

Nami liked the sound of this. She really couldn't accept the way Hidan had been treating her.

Sakura had lent one of her dresses to Nami. It was one of the only times she had not been dressed in black. The dress was a bright, silky red that highlighted all of her curves. She felt instantly like she was drawing too much attention but Sakura wouldn't take no for an answer.

 She felt instantly like she was drawing too much attention but Sakura wouldn't take no for an answer

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Sakura dragged Nami to one of the Uchiha clubs in the posh end of town. As they entered, everything seemed normal until Sakura led her to the back where they went to a small spiral staircase. The two re-emerged on the rooftop.


Everyone from Uchiha Studios was at this gathering waiting for Nami.

"We know you're officially going to Senju Studios! You have done so much for each of us that we felt we should do something special for you!" Sakura beamed at Nami.

"Wow. I don't even know what to say."

"Don't speak then! Drink!" Itachi said handing her a champagne flute.

Nami hated attention but she did have to admit that she did a lot for everyone here. Ino and Sai waived. Nami had helped Sai set up his first showcase and was met with an amazing turnout. Itachi and Shisui were standing together drinking. She had helped each of them with their on and off relationships. There were countless others in attendance who she had helped. She realized, not only was she close with Sakura, but she had become friends with almost everyone here.

It broke her heart to think about losing Anko and Konan. Especially Hidan. Nami wiped a tear and made her rounds to say thank you to everyone in attendance. Sakura loved watching her friend blossom.

Throughout the dancing and the drinks, Nami slowly forgot about this evenings disappointments and grew more and more excited for what was to come. She took a step back to fix her show and fill her drink when Madara approached her.

 She took a step back to fix her show and fill her drink when Madara approached her

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"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I am. All of this was so unexpected. I was hired as an assistant."

"Well no matter your title, you have made yourself a force in this company and within this family."

"Well... thank you Madara."

"No need to thank me, you did the work and Sakura wanted to reward you."

"I mean thank you for working with the Senju brothers and giving me the opportunity to expand my career."

"Again, that was you, gossip spreads like wildfire in this town. You just happened to have only great things said about you."

"Madara? Can I ask you something?" Nami looked to the great man as they stood on a balcony overlooking Konoha. He grunted. "I thought Uchiha Studios and Senju Studios were rivals?"

Madara laughed and placed a large, warm hand on Nami's glistening shoulder, "That's just money talking. Hashirama and I have been friends since we were just boys. The media loves a good rivalry. But, you'll take care to notice, events like this one are hidden from the rest of the world. You'll learn how to put on a front and protect your heart the longer you're in this industry."

"That may be some of the best advice I've received – ever."

"Oh really?" Madara leaned a little closer and placed his hand on Nami's small waist. He gave a dangerously good looking smirk, "Well if you need more advice, do not hesitate to reach out. Enjoy your party Nami."

With that, Madara walked away. Nami looked around and noticed how carefree everyone was. It was true that certain dramas didn't seem to exist outside of the tabloids. Take Shisui and Itachi, for example. The two were best friends pitted against one another for the love of another actress, Izumi. Really, they had a casual arrangement between the three of them. Izumi was off in L.A. right now with her actual boyfriend.

Shisui and Itachi caught her gaze and walked over to her. Nami blushed slightly, she may have had a slight staring problem.

"Now that I think about it, this is the first time I have seen you in something besides black," Itachi said.

"Sakura kinda ambushed me. I didn't have time to prepare anything else."

"It looks amazing on you, Nami," Shisui said.

The three sat on a nearby couch and discussed everything but work. They were all into the same movies and video games. Talking to Itachi and Shisui made Nami forget that she was in a tight fitting dress surrounding by the most prestigious celebrities.

"I say we settle this debate back at my place, what do you think Nami?" Shisui asked with curious eyes. He felt was entering dangerous territory.

"Hell yeah, a chance to smash you both in Battlefront, just don't cry to me after."

Nami stood up and said goodbye to Sakura while Itachi and Shisui smiled to each other. Sakura was delighted that Nami was having a blast and seemed to forget all about her earlier heartbreak.

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