Chapter 4

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As she climbed the staircase she felt heavy. It was as if all the therapy had just flown out the window. She was taught how to move past the trauma, not how to deal with someone who wanted to bring it up every available chance. Nami mourned over her brother's choice in a partner.

Nami reached the third floor just as another resident was turning the corner and collided with him. In her vulnerable state she started to internally panic.

"Oh hey... Nami..." a drunk Hidan said. He gave her the best smile he could muster while intoxicated.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Whoa, I live here, I assume you do to. What a shiny key."

"Oh uhh sorry..."

"Hidan. I won't hold that fact you forgot my name against you. Well sweet cheeks, I've gotta run. I'll see you at the warehouse tomorrow night!" Hidan fumbled around Nami who stepped to the left simultaneously with Hidan. They both stepped to her right. Hidan started to laugh. She scooted around him and went to her door.

"Hey! I'm right across the hall from the hottest girl in the world. Fucking sick."

Nami got inside her apartment and closed the door quickly. Her face felt hot and she started to cry. Being called hot by a hot guy should make most girls feel good about themselves. But this only brought on a panic attack. Even alone now she was starting to hyperventilate and get tunnel vision. Her clothes felt constricting against her skin. Nami undressed and took a shower as hot as she could bear.

When she stepped out she was starting to feel better. She read through her therapy journals and decided she wouldn't let her bitch of a sister-in-law ruin her hard work. Nami was going to go to that warehouse event tomorrow night. She had plenty of time to prepare herself. Grabbing her cell phone out of her small black bag, Nami texted her best friends – Anko and Konan. Konan's boyfriend, Pain, actually recommended this apartment to her. He used to live in the same building before moving in with Konan.

Nami: Hey! Mostly settled in, interested in a warehouse party tmrw night??


Konan: Warehouse? The one on 8th??

Nami: Yes ma'am

Konan: I was gonna ask if you wanted to go!! One of Pain's friends is gonna play there.

Nami: Meet here @ 9pm!


Konan: Can't wait to see u love!!

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