35. Laundry

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A/N :

Hey fantastic people !

have you done with your laundry ? lol
enjoy !


~ Luke p.o.v ~

The boys are on the beach while I just leafing through the magazine on my bunk in this tour bus..I just dont feel like I want to tan my skin.. I mean..yeah..sure its summer but..lol..nevermind

“ Jenny..could you please sent this clothes to be laundered ? “ my mum asked her.

“ yeah..sure..besides I have nothing else to do.. “ Jenny said as she gives her warm-smile.

“ thanks..I've some works to do..the cab is coming in 5 minutes..” my mum said as she handed over Jenny a couple of plastic bags fill with our dirty laundry.

I put aside the magazine as I come closer to Jenny.

“ hey..lets me go with you..I mean..its the least I can do.. “ I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

“ oh..okay..great! thanks.. by the way..where are the boys ? no wonder this bus just so quiet..and why aren’t you with them ? “ she asked as she rose her eyebrows.

“ the boys are lazing about on the beach..and I rather spend my precious time with you..aha..” I said as I kiss her forehead and poked her nose.

“ I feel queasy... aha..” she said as she stuck out her tongue and acted like shes going to vomit.

Then we just chuckles.


After finish with the laundry we decided to take a walk around London.

“ urm..so Jen..I know it kinda late..but..I'm sorry on behalf of me and the boys for..changed your flight ticket to America last month...” I said.

“ woah ! its been like...almost a couple of weeks and..you're the only person who asked for forgiveness..hey..I'm proud of you Hemmings..aha..” she said as she tickles my tummy.

“ hey stop it McCartney..do my apologise is accepted or not ? “ I said as I looked down at her..man she just so short.

“ I dont know..depends...” she said.

“ depends on what ?..you short girl..aha..” I said as I chuckles..I just enjoy picking fight at her.

RUDE ! you abnormal long-legs boy “ she said as she glared at me and stands with her arms akimbo.

Then here come a group of teenage girls mobbed us..

“ are you Luke Hemmings from 5 seconds of summer ? OMG ! ITS HIM ! “ a girl with grey hoodie shout as she tried to grab my arm.

hey wait..arent you..Jenny ? the girl with 5SOS right ? wow.. tell me your tricks ..how can I end up being like you and..which one of the boys that you really in love with ? Oh..come on Jen...” a girl with really short skirt asked her as she grab Jenny's hand.

And I can tell that Jenny seems really uncomfortable with this whole situation as I come closer to her and wrapped her around her waist.

“ are you guys together ? hell no...I thought you were with Ashton ! damn ! I mean..last night..“ a brunette girl said.

“ shut up..see ? Luke and Jenny look perfect together..” the girl in green sweater said as she took our photos.

“ nahh..she much more better with Calum..I mean..havent you saw any of their photos together ? I mean..they were so adorable together..” a girl with a pair of glasses said.

“ SHIT ! I prefer JeChael..I mean..looked at those colorful hair..Jenny and Michael are really mean to be together...aha..” a girl with bright red hair said it as she flipped her hair.

“ urm..girls..what if..I help you with some photos ..you and Luke? Come on...just give me your phones and cameras.. “ Jenny said as she grinned at the girl.

“ OMG ! here you go.. you just so nice Jenny..I ship you with whoever you love...aha..” a blonde girl said as she hugged Jenny.

“ aha..urm..thanks..you too..” Jenny said as she beamed.

Then the girls just walked away after we took a few of some selfie together...I mean..I'm happy as long as the girls are happy..but....

“ Jen..thanks for being nice to them..I mean..I'm afraid that you might punch them or kills any of those girls for mobbed around us...aha..” I said as I chuckles.

“ yoo Penguin..I'm not that cruel..I mean..the girls seems cool and..they looked very happy when they saw you..and you're seems happy with them..so..I just love to do things that makes others happy..aha..” she said as she poked my tummy.

“ aha..thanks again..and..hey .. I still owe you an apology..so want to grab some tea ? the drinks are on me ..” I asked.

“ how about some food ? I'm kinda hungry … “ she said as she rubbed her belly and pursed her lips.

“ aha..okay ! I'll treat ! “ I said as I grab her into my arms .

Then we make our way to the nearest restaurant…I mean..we prefer Nando's..lol


A/N :

 So ? any thoughts ? or shipping ?

thanks for reading this ! Love ya ,

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