3. what a HUGE commitment !

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A/N : thanks for those who read my fanfict! You guys dont know how much it mean to me.. so.. enjoy your reading !

~ Luke p.o.v ~

Do Jenny still pissed of about  the last night interview ? I want to call her so badly but I'm afraid that she might extreamly mad at me. Oh wait, let me look at her twitter. She probably tweet something about us , well I mean.. she spend most of her day with laptop doesnt she . lol

@jenMxC :

gosh! I miss those idiots but... I'm still mad at them *angry face*

@jenMxC :

 the first thing I'm going to do when they get here is hug them. Yeahh. So tightly with my hand around their freakin neck ! lol

@jenMxC :

that last tweet is serious okay. I'm not even freakin kidding at all.

@jenMxC :                                                       

I hope any one of them read my tweets . *finger cross.


Aha! Ive told you. She must updating something in her twitter. Well let me reply to that .

@Luke5SOS :

@jenMxC hey babe , am I one of those idiots ? 'cause I'm kinda miss u too ! lol x


*10seconds later* ehh , she still online ?

@jenMxC :
yoo @Luke5SOS dont u dare to babe me . get u & ur lads freakin ass here. U've got a LOT of freakin explanation to do.

@Luke5SOS :

@jenMxC sorry Jen, damn we cant. We still have fckin things to do here. But 2morrow we'll be back to u okay ?

@jenMxC :
@Luke5SOS  hey ! dont u freakin swear ! u know I hate it & would u considering to just text me instead of tweets me in public -.-

@Luke5SOS :

@jenMxC oops! I did it again! Sorry ! aha. gtg, c u soon ! love ya x


Freakin this freakin that.

This girl really hate SWEARS . I mean.. what kind of people who doesnt like swear ?


# flashback start # ( 3 years ago. )

*ding dong* *ding dong* *dingdong*

*the door finally open*

oh hey Luke , what are you doing here ? did your mum... ehh.. hi there Luke's friends “ Mrs Wilson look great with her pink outfit.

Hi Mrs. Wilson. Erm.. we all here to meet Jenny? Is she home ? “ I try to be as polite as I can be.

yes she is.. in her room I guess.. wait a seconds.

Jenissa Marie McCartney ?!! Your friends are here ! “ as she shout from the stairs.

Jenissa ? “ Michael seem confiused .
Marie ? “ now Calum making his weird face again.
McCartney ? “ Ashton seem a little bit just like them.

The 5 Seconds of Our Summer ! // 5SOS fanfictWhere stories live. Discover now