51. Let the truth be told

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A/N :

Hello awesome readers !
I kinda trying to figure it out the ending for this book. Lol
enjoy !


~ Jenny p.o.v ~

I still hanging out with my sister in my room..then..

knock knock ! hurry up open the door !  you better open it now  McCartney! “ I heard Amber shout from outside.

dude ! its unlock Shea ! aha..” I said.

Then she open up the door like a maniac as she hold a magazine infront of us.

hey , I didnt know you read magazine Amber ..aha..since when ? “ Julie asked as she grab that magazine.

since I saw my bestfriend's face all over the paper and..they wrote something about you Jen..” Amber said as she sit beside us.

OMG ! no way.. “ Julie said as her mouth agape.

what ? what the heck happened here ? let me see that..” I said as I took the magazine from my sister.

I saw my photo with the boys ..and I read the title ..


“ what the ....” I whisper as I read the next lines.

After Jenny McCartney aka ‘ The 5 seconds of the boys summer’ left them for her own life in America, the boys decided to moving on with their life with some new girls. Recently our paparazzi able to take some photos of the boys with some beautiful models in their ‘private party’. Guess what ? its not an ordinary party when our camera spotted something that is more than dances, drinks and a lots of hugs and kisses.Our paparazzi said that....

I cant continue reading it as I saw some photos of them..I dont really care if its the other boys but...it tears my heart apart when I saw this one photo of... him kissing a really hot girl in red dress.

I can feel that tears running down my face as I drop myself on the floor and curl up into a ball.

“ Jen.. are you okay ? I mean.. I thought that you dont have any feeling towards the boys..so..why are you..” Amber said as my sister cuts her lines.

shhh..” Julie said as she rubbed my back.

“ urmm...which one is he..” Julie asked as she show me the magazine.

I control myself from sobbing as I pointed my finger to his photo.

do you like him ? “ Julie asked.

I ..dont want to “ I said as I trying to stop from sobbing.

“ but you do ? “ Amber asked as she sit beside me.

“ yes ..I do . “ I said as I slowly smiling to both of them

So what was he like ? “ Julie asked as she grinned at me.

His smile. His lips. His laugh. His hair. His eyes. His hands. His humour. His smirk. His weird faces ..I mean..he was the most unnecessary, ridiculous, unessential thing I ever needed so bad I ached ..aha..” I said as I can feel that my cheeks are probably burning right now.

eww.. you like him ? dude... Jenissa ! seriously ? “ Amber said as she pointed at his photo.

hey , I freaking hate when I like a guy and someone says that to me..how rude can you be ?  I dont care if he isnt the ‘cutest boy ‘ ever, he doesnt have to be. The fact that you dont know him and you still said that. I like him for him. You might not think he's cute but you dont see him the way that I do. I think he's perfect the way he is..sorry..kinda emotional about this..aha..” I said as I wipe my tears with my sleeves.

chill okay , I'm just asking..aha..so..does he know about your real feelings ? “ Amber said as she rose her eyebrows.

I shook my head as I grab my phone and scrolling my twitter..I mean .. I havent active with my twitter since I busy with this whole wedding things..and I read some tweet from their band account.

@5SOS :

Already in America ! cant wait to finish this whole band-things then we'll make our way to @jenMxC ! miss her so damn much ! oopss ? lol ! xxx

They posted it a couple days ago.. so..are they already here ? I fav to that tweet but I dont reply to them.

I tweet something from my account ..of course it indirect tweet ..lol

@jenMxC :

Loving someone who doesnt love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport..aha

I throw my phone on the bed after I tweeted that.

Oh sweet sugar honey Jenissa...if you like someone,  go ahead tell him ! ...or just stalk him on every social network and cry yourself to sleep every night.. It’s whatever..aha..” Amber said as she hugged me from the back.

And we both chuckles.

“ yeah..you should tell him Jen ..seriously ..” Julie said as she looked me into my eyes.

" Jenissa ? is that the boy that you're already fall in love with? "

I saw my dad, he was infront of the door..

" yes, he is.." I nodded my head.


A/N :

So ...who is he ? lol

 Thanks for reading this chapter ! Love ya,

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