50. Blank space

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A/N :


~ Jenny p.o.v ~

That night I decided to spend some time with my sister as I know she is going to be someone else wife soon . Lol

so Julie , are you excited for your wedding ? “ I asked my sister as I throw myself on my bed.

hell yeah ! aha.. but..kinda nervous to..I mean.. what if he wasn’t  the one for me ? or I wasn’t the one for him ? how should I know this ? “ Julie said as he rolled her eyes.

oh..shut up ! you know what.. you should be with the man that you love every little things about..aha..” I said as I chuckles.

wow..is this like…one of One Direction's song ? aha..” Julie said as she lying on the bed.

aha..I mean..his voice..his style..his smell..his smile..his personality… how he is with you, how he holds, hugs, and kisses you.. and the things he has that no one else noticed but you..” I said as I continue..

be with the man that is always there for you and support you..that knows you're not perfect but believe you're the closest thing to it..be with the man that will do anything to see your smile, spoils you, surprises you, and wont ever let you go or give up on you..be with the man that is capable of giving you butterflies even when you're down..and you cant stop thinking about ..” I said as I grinned and continue…

Be with the man that no matter what , he will always pick you even if it’s the longest time.. be with the man that loves you unconditionally even is he has a millions reasons not to. now , you're all thinking about thats man in your head ..right ? aha…” I said as I giggling.

woah! My little sister already grew up …who taught you that ? a dude from 5SOS ? ahaha “ Julie asked as she rose her eyebrows.

well…its someone special …aha..” I said.

wait, I thought you're single..or do you dating any Australian guy from..” Julie asked as she blinked in astonishment.

“ oh, sure! I am single..aha..” I said, mentally slapping myself in my mind.

“ so, if you want to date someone, I hope you date someone who is interested in you. I don’t mean someone who thinks you're cute or funny. I mean..someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you..” Julie said with a smile.

I nodded to that and give her my warm-smile.

“ someone who wants to read every word you write, someone who wants to listen to every note of your favorite song, and watch every scene of your favorite movie. someone wants to find every scars upon your body, and learn where each one came from. Someone who wants to know your favorite of toothpaste, and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them. “ Julie said as her eyes gleamed with excitement.

“ there is a difference between attraction and interest. Find the person who wants to learn every aspect of who you are, and hold onto them..okay ? ” Julie asked.

I answered it with a smile, back in my mind I always thinking about this one boy.

“ come here …let me cuddle you..aha..” Julie said as she wrap her hands around me.

Then my phone vibrate as I got a new message from Daniel.

wait,Daniel texted me..he said that he had a blast hanging out with your fiancée …wuu…remember when we were young and…you kinda have a crush with our cousin ? ahhaa… good memories…” I said as I chuckles.

shut up... HAD a crush on him okay ? ..nothing serious..I mean…I was like..10 or something and.. too young ..too dumb to realize…aha..” Julie said as she cover her face in the blanket.

aha..I was so young that time and..I'm like..dont understand the whole situation when you asked him.. ‘ Dan , what does  Te Amo mean ? help me pretty please..this is for my Spanish homework..’ and he be like…’ I love y… hey wait a second! I see what you're trying to do there.. cheeky ..’ then you guys just burst into a big laughter ..while I sat there…trying to figure things out..aha..” I said as I drew the blanket.

hush Jen … I don’t want to drag about that topic …stop it ..or I'll kill you ! aha..” she said as she get on top of me and tried to strangle me.

hey…get off me ! you're heavy Juliette Anne ! aha.. “ I said as I push her.

serve your right Jenissa Marie ! aha..” she said as she still on top of me.

Then the radio playing Blank Space by Taylor Swift.

Nice to meet you...where you been?

I could show you incredible things...magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there and I thought oh my god
Look at that face, you look like my next mistake
Love's a game, wanna play ?

wait..this is our jam ! “ Julie said as she get off me and randomly acting like drama queen.

what the.. ? okay ! “ I said as I joined her weird acting..lol

New money, suit and tie...I can read you like a magazine
Ain't it funny rumors fly..and I know you heard about me
So hey, let's be friends..I'm dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand..I could make the bad guys good for a weekend

 The song keeps playing while we keep dancing like maniac ..but then we both eventually turn into  a crazy girlfriend when it comes to this part .

 Oh no

Screaming, crying, perfect storms

I could make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns
Keep you second guessing like oh my god
Who is she? I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

 We winked at each other and jumping on the bed as we keep dancing to the song till the end.

Got a long list of ex-lovers..they'll tell you I'm insane

But I got a blank space baby...and I'll write your name !

 Then we both burst into a big laughter.

 “ I sing along to Blank Space far too aggressively for someone ..who has a non-existent list of ex-lovers... aha “ I said as I giggling and she throw a pillow at me.

shut up! aha.. I think some songs should come with a warning like...‘do not listen if you don’t want to become an emotional wreck or having mental issues ‘ ....aha....” Julie said as we continue laughing.

Having siblings is weird because like one minute you want to strangle them and then later you're singing dramatic duets together.lol

but hey, I've got a blank space baby, and I'll wrote his name!


A/N :

This remind me of my sister a lot..xD
and today is my birthday, I wish she was here -.-
omg, I'm old.

well, anyway 3 more chapters until the end of this book ;--)
Thanks for keep reading this story ! you're all awesome ! Love ya, 

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