5. The minivan

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A/N :

Hello readers ! thank you so so so much for keep reading this book. I really appreaciate it!

and.. I did some editing with their photos, hope you like it ;)

I'm writing this while babysitting  a 1year old boy. Aha.. so I hope you like this chapter!


~ Jenny p.o.v ~

Its already been 6 weeks since the boys left for their ‘band-ing’ things.

Yeahh..I miss them.. kinda

As I looked outside the window..

Woahh! What a nice evening weather ..the skies look so beautiful..and the breeze just so lovely..

*phone ringing* ohh. Its Michael.

Me : hi Mikey !

Michael : hey sweetie pie ! aha. whatcha doing ?

Me : doing nothing..just waiting..

Michael : waiting ? who ? me ? ahaha.. we're still here..but we're already at the airport .. cant wait to see you !

Me : aha. ok. Cant wait to see you too!

Michael : okay babe , got to go. See you later ! bye love !

Me : take care , bye !

Hmmm.. I can see my uncle from the distance .. he pick up something from his minivan.

That box looks heavy.. let me help him.

hey sugar , I'm glad you are here.. do you mind lend me a hand here..this thing.. kinda heavy “ he said.

ohh yeahh..sure “ I help him brings that giant box inside the garage.

so uncle ..what is the thing inside this box ? “ I asked him after we put that box to the floor.

aha.. just an old television .. I found it on sale so I thought of buying it..

old television ?  aha.. why on earth you brought the old things while you can buy the new one ? “ ohh no. He looks upset.

uncle ? ohh.. I'm sorry.. I didnt mean to.. “ I try to cheer him up.

it's alright dear, it just.. old things really bring back those old memories..you know..when I was younger..aha “ I can see that he tried to hide his real feeling.

so.. do you please keep this is as a secret .. and.. dont tell Emma about this...you know she doesnt like it when I bought any old stuffs..lol “ he continue talking and play with my hair.

yeahh.. okay..sure .. but when you gonna tell her ? “ I just dont like to hide anything from my aunty.

well..when she start shopping useless things then I going to tell her about this .. so she would not mad at me . aha. win win situation right..aha “ as he winked at me.

aha.. I never understand this whole marriage thing. “ then I glares at my phone again.

one day you will understand it honey “ as he stroked my head.

so have you hang out the boys lately ? I havent see any of them lately.” He asked me.

no..they all busy with their music stuff.. so I'm kinda stuck here.. alone ..” ohh..did I just being too dramatical ? aha..

thats alright honey, at least they did something they proud of. So why dont you hang out with the girls ? I mean.. Vicky ? Ari ? or Danielle ? are you fighting or what ? havent see any of them either lately “ as he rose his left eyebrow.

ehh no.. we all in a good terms. Just.. they all were busy with their boyfriends.. and with this new upcoming stupid dance event for the collage ..and I just dont want to interupt them “ as I told him the truth.

ohh.. no.. you are not going to interupt them.. I mean no matter how  ‘busy’ a person is , if they care they will always find time for you honey..dont worry..  so tell me more about the event ? and who is going to be your partner ? “ oh dear, he make that serious face again.

aha..nobody..I mean..the event will be held on next month and.. I didnt get any invitation from any boys..yet “..then I continue.. “ I mean.. I still can dance by myself right ? aha

did all of the boys in your college are blind or what? How dare they didnt asked my beautiful niece for that event “ he tries to make a serious face and I laugh at him.

dont you worry honey , if there still nobody asked you until the end of this month..I'm going to be your dance partner okay ? “ as he stroked my head again.

yeah uncle ! cool ! I hope there's no girls in my collage going to fall for your dance move “ as I continue laughing again.

aha.. I hope the same thing because Emma can turn into a monster when she get drunk in jealousy “ then he continue .. “ oh sweet honey.. nature calling.. got to go! “ then he run as fast he can to the toilet. Aha

I am so lucky to have them as my family.. and I kinda miss my own family back in America.. but.. I guess they didnt miss me at all.

Then I get inside his minivan.. just want to clear up my thoughts .

Hmm..the smell of inside this minivan remind me so much of my dad's car.

Then I close my eyes.. trying to run from the reality for a while.


A/N : sorry it's kinda short but.. I'm glad if someone read this and please let me know if someone is reading this because I need to know if I should keep updating or just stop my imagination. Lol

Btw, sorry if I've make some grammer mistakes or typo. Just let me know and I'm going to repair it okay ? thanks for reading this again ;)

Love ya ,

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