46. Liz wont approved it.

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A/N :

Hello awesome people !
fandom be like..’ Liz Hemmings is a legend ‘ lol

Enjoy !


~ Luke p.o.v ~          

It has been a couple of weeks  since Jenny left and..I kinda miss her a little bit..you know..I enjoy picking fight with her more than the boys..lol

I grab my phone and text her.

Me :  Jennnnnnnn :--(

2 minutes later I got a reply.

She :  Lukeeeeeeeeeee :--) * turn that frown upside down..lol

Woah..this is different.. why aren’t she picking fight at me like she used to be ?
so I text to her again and eventually we kinda have some nice conversation I guess.

Me :  the tour is over  and I fcking wish you were here :---(

She :  well, I would love to finish the tour with you guys..but I cant Luke :--)

Me :  our summer just a little bit different without you :--(

She :  hey, now its already autumn if you haven’t notice yet..lol :--P

Me :  shut up..you're ruin my frown..:--D lol.. then autumn just a little bit different without you :--(

She :  aha…so how about winter ? and spring ? :--P

Me :  you're irritate me Jenny..then every seasons just a LOT of different without you :--P

She :  yeah ! finally you're not frown anymore ;--)

I chuckles when I read her text as I typing my reply.

Me :  guess what ? the frown face come again…everytime I come out from my house I always imagine that you're smiling at me from your front yard and waving or shouting my name.. :--( well, even though mostly you just throw things at me and annoy me all the time -.-

She :  aha..shut up Hemmo.. you're the one who start to annoy me..by the way we'll discuss this in a min over throwing pillows at each other..be there in a sec ..even though I'm in America now.. lol

Me :  Jenissa , I'd fly over to America in a heartbeat for you… but I don’t have money.. :--( its all good, I'd rob a bank for you ;--)

She : aww..that so sweet..and not irritate me yet..aha..but face it Luke..Liz Hemmings wont approved it  :--P

Me :  aha..agreed! my mum wont approve it :--(

She :  but hey , I really hope that you guys can make it for my sister's wedding :--D

Me :  oh..it is a day after Christmas right ? well..we'll try our best not to rob a bank :--P

She:  Lucas Robert Hemmings stop being silly... -.-

Me : aha..chill, I'm kidding okay ? :--P

She: ‘haha’ so funny.                      

“ well, bet she's getting annoyed by me now..aha..” I talked to myself as I reply her text.

Me : so babe , what are you doing ? :--)

She: just laying around in bed :--D

Me: mmmm….is that it? Just laying around? ;--)

She: well, I'm also eating cereal ^-^

Me: haha..cool! but what would you be doing if I was in bed next to you ? ;--)

She: eating cereal :--P

Me: but..like what if the cereal isn’t there ? ;--)

She: then …..I'd go and get some cereal ;--)

“ seriously ? aha…” I whisper to myself as I giggling and typing my reply.

Me: damn Jenissa! You're just soooo not romantic :--P

She: aha..what do you expect me to response to that Mr.Hemmings ? ;--)

I chuckles to that as the boys glared at me because my giggling disturb their focus in recording room.

okay, lets continue our recording..but let me reply to this..last one..aha..” I said and I typing my text as faster as I can.

Me : aha..well, sorry babe, we've got some recording now..got to go, miss you !  bye xx

I give a quick kiss on the phone after sent the text and then we all focus on recording our new song.


A/N :

Sorry its kinda short..I really having trouble with shipping JeKe..lol
What do you think about it ? xD

OMG ! 1k views ?? >_< thanks for reading this ! Love ya ,

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