20. Heartbreak girl.

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A/N :

Hello fantastic reader !
I've try to think all the possibility to kill Brian..but..I dont know how.
aha..let see how I handle it..

Enjoy ! x


~ Daniel p.o.v ~

I looked at Jenny.

she straightens her hair , puts on her eyeliner, glosses her lips & takes one last look in the mirror, all for the boy who will never care.

seriously ? please use your brain to protect your heart from pain Jenissa . “ I said to her with my firm voice.

what ? Its only a lunch Dan , chill. aha..Its not like we're dating..I mean.. I might have a little crush on him..but thats all ..aha “ she said to me as she looks herself in the mirror.again.

“  is Vicky , Ari or Danielle is going to be there too ? “ I asked her.

no silly , it just the two of us.. “ she said as she make her way to the front door.

just both of you ? you know Jen , normal people called it DATE ..if only just the two of you “ I said as I walked her to the front door.

I'll be fine Dan , dont worry “ she said as she flashes her genuine smile.

And then here come a red car ..then it stop in front of us.

got to go Dan , bye. See you later ! “ she said as she wave at me and get inside the car.

bye , take care. If anything happen just call me “ I said to her and I closed the door.

After that I come inside ,

Dan ? where is Jenny going ? and with who ? “ my mom asked me. Ohh yeah.. they already home for almost couples of days.

I dont know, just lunch with a boy who she has a little crush on..I guess “ I said to her.

boy ? what is his name ? “ my dad asked me with his firm voice.

Brian ..“ I said.

“ Brian who ? did they always meet each other ? what about the boys with the band ? are they fighting ? and Vicky ? Ari or Danielle ? is anything happened while we were away ? “ my dad keep pushing me .

yeah! sit here. Tell us everything you knew and everything that happened while we were gone. “ now my mom started to push me.

Argh! I hate this! Why didnt Jenny told them anything  on the first place ?

~ Jenny p.o.v ~

OMG ! I cant believe he asked me out! I mean..yeah..it just a lunch..but..whatever..

so Jenny , do you like pizza ? I mean..it that okay if we're having lunch at Pizza Hut ? or you want me to take you to somewhere else ? “  Brian asked me.

Just take me anywhere you want..I'm ready to follow your lead Mr. Brian Esther .
Damn!  I talked to myself again.

ohh sure. Pizza sounds cool ! “ I said to him . as I hide my biggest smile !

Then we reach at the Pizza Hut , take our seats and order a pizza.

Yeah I sit next to him but I dont know what kind of pizza that he order 'cause I'm too busy admiring his georgeous face and his outfit just so casual and..the way he talking just so..flawless...morever when he talk to me. Aha

Erm, Jenny ..so tell me about yourself ? “ he whisper to me as he wrapped his hand around my shoulders.

aha.. I dont know what to talk about myself ..I mean.. i'm just a regular girl ..aha “ I said to him. Oh no.. is that to awkward ? or what ?

And we just small talks, about the weather , collage and.. etc.

aww..I love your American accent. So , why did you moved to Australia ? I mean.. America is an awesome country with their cultures , entertainment , education and..such ? “ he whisper to me again..oh butterflies stop!

well , I still dont know why I'm willing to move here. I mean..yeah..America is awesome ..and would you please stop whispering to me ? its so distracting.. aha “ I said to him as I hit him on his chest.

distracting ? really ? I mean.. I can do more than that “ he said to me as he put his hand on my thigh and...

He come closer to me..I can feel his breathing and his lips just a few inches from mine..and..

BRIAN ? what the hell are you doing ?!! “ shit! theres an English girl with blonde wavy hair and wears a really short skirt just shouted at us.

FCK ! what are you doing here Sarah ? I thought you were in London “ Brian push me and face the girl.

yeah , I was ! you know I came here just for our anniversary ..and THIS is what you pay me ? ! “ she said as she pointed at me.

And continue ..
what are you doing with my DAMN fiance?! “ she shout at me.

what the heck ? Brian ! you already engaged? ! “ I shout at Brian.

wait ! Sarah , Jen , I can explain ! “ he said as he panicing and try to touch our shoulders.

you didnt tell her that you already engaged? oh SHIT Brian I thought you've change ! “ she said as tears running down her face as she slapped him with her gucci handbag.

yeah ! I thought the same too ! “ now I slap him too and .. I just pour that Pepsi drink on top of his head. Well you know, it just a drink right. It brings no harm. Right?

And we just walked away from there.

I felt sorry for that girl who he called Sarah . but.. Daniel was right. The girls were also right. but my stubborn heart didnt want to hear anything they said. Should I call them ? erm..maybe later.

Suddenly I can feels the tears running down my face, eww ..did I just cry ? argh ! I hate this ! I shouldnt cry for someone who doesnt even care about my feelings.

I just keep having a deep conversation with myself.
Dear brain , sorry for overloading you with the thoughts of him.
Dear tummy , sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear sleeve , sorry for all the tears.
Dear heart, sorry for all the damage.

And I just keep walking until I dont even know where the heck I am..and..

*BUKK ! * did I just bump into someone's chest ? ouch ! is that a body or CONCRETE ?!
and I just fell on the cold hard ground.

Dude ! what the heck ??!


A/N :

So ? what do you think ?
I know .. kill Brian would be so cruel and.. I just kill his character.. is that okay ?
so dont worry. He wont come around anymore..HAHA *evil laugh.

Thanks for reading! Love ya,

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