1. This is where its all begin

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A/N :

Hello there , this is my first fanfiction ! *excited*
I'm sorry if its not as great as another fanfict that you guys always read . I'm a suckk at writing actually :(

*but if reading this .. thanks !  btw , the girls name Jenny is played by Liz Gillies . well , you can see her face somewhere in media colum .okay,, keep on reading ..


~ Jenny p.o.v ~

I'm so bored today . The boys already left for their interview with some shows.. Idk , let me searching for the interview online .

*open the youtube* *start searching for their live interview*

Yeah ! ehh , what is this ? 

" so ..what is your relationship with this Jenny McCartney ? "  the interview asked them

" shes my neighbor , we kinda grew up together " Lukas said with confident 

" shut up Lukey ! We all grew up together with Jenny ! she awesome ! she is the best cudded ever !! "   Calum made his weird face again.

" arghhh! I told the media so many times, shes our girlfriend okay ? " Mikey said  with a smirk and started giggling

" well , basically shes the 5 seconds of our summer " Ashton kept sayin the same thing again and again *

Hey , they actually never treat me as a lady .. I mean.. they often forget that I'm a girl .. this friendship is sooooo weird  . I talking to myself again then I grab my phone to text Ash.

Me : yoo Fletcher ! I'M REALLY MAD NOW ! could you please stop telling the media about me and being you guys 5 seconds  of your summer ?  Its kinda weird and awful when the girls keep on asking me =.='

then I pushed the button SENT

Ash : hey babe , you watched our interview ? lol I thought you hate the media . but it still no honey , its the real deal that you really our seconds to our summer okay ? ehh . gtg . on our way to next interview . c u later . love ya , adios ! 

WHAT ??!  this remind me how on earth I end up with them . oh that was three years ago when I started to move in with my aunty's family here in Australia . *sigh*

It was three years ago when I first met them.  

Back to the year of 2012 .

# flashback start  #

WOAHHH! What a quite nice place here in Australia .

The scenes,  the smell , the surroundings, the people around the street are all gladly seem nice to people they dont even know , so I take out my camera and tryin to take some pictures.

Then I saw .. there were four boys , looking at me . they might be the neighbors .

wow. I got  really really cute neighbors ! aha. They have guitars with them and they sang a few songs while recording it with their tiny camera. they must be one of those teenage groups who sing songs and put them on  youtube. Well. They kinda good at it.

Okay Jenny , this is our house .. welcome to Australia dear. I hope you like staying here with us . okay ? well , its a little bit different from what you've got in America

my uncle , Mr Rupert Wilson brought me out off from my ‘talk to myself session’ . then showed me the house and  started to take all of my luggage and bags out of his car.

The 5 Seconds of Our Summer ! // 5SOS fanfictWhere stories live. Discover now