36. Twitcam

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A/N :

Hey awesome readers !
sometimes I really wish my hair is naturally blue..lol

Enjoy !


~ Michael p.o.v ~

The boys just decided to make some twitcam with the fans..but hey..I need to finish this game on my phone first..I mean..I'm already at the final level of this game.

“ hi ! we're 5 seconds of summer and.. I know its been a while since we havent ....” Ashton said as someone cuts his line off.

“ yeah..we're kinda busy with this whole band-ing things..and its all because of you..so..thanks ! thanks a lot ! “ Luke said as he flying kiss the camera on the laptop.

I just chuckles to that .

“ hey Mikey..could you please stop that game for awhile ? we kinda need to interact with the fans now..gosh ! hes been playing those games since our first day in this tour bus..” Calum said as he shook his head.

“ shut up Cal..I'm almost done..and....HELL YEAH ! I won ! finish ! yeehaaa ! “ I shout as I leapt out from the couch and put my hands on the air ..and..doing my victory dance.

“ sorry guys..you have to watch any of those ugly dance from Mr Clifford..aha..” Ashton said as he giggling.

“ so anyway..guys..if you want to ask anything about our tour...just..hashtag...” Luke said as he looked at Calum.

“ just ..#ask5SOStour ..and we'll try our best to answer any of your questions.. “ Calum said as he winked at the camera.

“ but..dont ask us where we're going 'cause we dont even know what city are we headed to..aha..” I said as I lay on the couch again.

Then the boys just burst into laughter as they agreed with me..

But then I saw Jenny stand still behind the laptop as she handed over a plate of pancakes to us.

“ Mrs Hemmings arent here so..I'll make some of this for you guys..just eat your breakfast first..and..sorry if it doesnt taste as good as your mum's cook..aha..” Jenny whisper as she pointed at Luke.

“ woah ! pancakes ! my favourite ! ...and...its taste really good Jenny ! “ Calum said as he picked another slice of pancakes ..for himself of course.

“ hey Jen..come here and join out twitcam.. “ Ashton said with his exciting voice.

“ nope..sorry.. not interested.. aha..” she said as she make the peace sign with her finger.

Then suddenly Luke get up and wrapped her around his large arms and drag her to us..and she end up sitting next to me..as she hit Luke with a pillow.

ouch ! “ Luke said as he hit Jenny back..and I hit Luke as the pillow distracting me.

“ kids..behave yourself..we were in twitcam..aha..” Ashton said.

“ just listen to your daddy, kids..aha..” Calum said as Ashton give him a death glared.

urm..okay..lets read some of the questions..aha..” Calum said as he made his adorable face to Ash.

“ aha..okay..this one come from @5sauseGirl ..wow..nice twitter name..she asked.. ‘ #ask5SOStour tell us more about Jenny .. except the fact that she is beautiful and being tour with you guys ‘ and...she puts some of smiley faces.. wow..so Jenissa..this question is dedicated to you..” Luke said as he pointed at Jenny.

“ what ? no..I dont even know how to answer that kind of question..” she whisper to us as her mouth agape.

“ aww...we didnt want to let down the fans..come on Jen..what else ? besides being beautiful and tour with us ? aha..” Ashton asked her .

“ or..you want us to answer that for you ? aha..I mean.. we can talk about all the things that ..aha...you've...” Calum said as she cuts his lines.

“ aha..its okay Cal..I'll get this..okay..hi 5SOS fans..I mean..5SOS family..so..my name is Jenny and...they bullied me alot ! bye “ she said as she tried to get up.

But then I grab her hand and shes fallen down on top of me as I still lying on the couch..hey..its a destiny..lol

“ let me go you stupid blue hair ! “ she said as she struggling to escape from my arms.

The boys just chuckles as they keep continue with the twitcam.

“ nahh..we're never bullied her..I mean..this is one of our way just to show our love to her...aha..” Ashton said to the camera then he come closer to me and...

“ let her go Gordon..you're ruining our video...” he whisper to me.

“ NOPE ! I wont let her go..I love her as much as all of you guys love her ! “ I shout to the camera.

“ erk..okay..now back to next question..its from.. @hughemmo21 ..its say.. ‘ cant I just replace her and being in Michael's arms instead ? #ask5SOStour  ‘ ..wow..this is weird..aha.. okay.. this whoever hughemmo21 is.. you better wish to be in my arms instead of his…okay ? aha ..” Luke said as he glared at me.

“ yoo blue hair.. keep your hands off her.. the fans are getting crazy right now.. “ Luke whisper to me.

 I just shook my head as I tighten my arms and Jenny tried to bite it. Lol

“ so.. the next question is from @5socksofsun..aha..awesome twitter name..its say..’ what is your favorite things about the tour bus ? #ask5SOStour  ‘… well..thanks for asking ..I mean.. this tour bus has a very good amenities..and..boys..would you please elaborate more about this question ? “ Calum asked the boys as he looked at me and whisper..

Clifford.. you're better set her free or I'll kill you ..” Calum said in his sassy way.

I just chuckles but then Jenny pulled my hair as she yell…

“ stupid colorful idiot ! aha ..” Jenny said as I was like.. in shock so I release her and she get up as soon as possible and stuck out her tongue at me and run away.

“ OUCH! Jenny ! “ I shout as I rubbed my hair.

The boys just giggling..as I continue..

“ life is too short not to have the underwear, the coffee or the haircut you want..so just go ahead dye your hair with whatever color that you want..or just wear some colorful hair extension like Jenny always did..aha..” I said as I faced the camera.

“ aha.. okay..lets read the next question..its from @jenMxC …hey ! its from Jenny..so apparently she tweeted this from behind that door…aha..its say..’ #ask5SOStour  why do we always say life is short when it’s the longest thing we'll ever experience ?  ‘ ..wow..deep..this is deeper than Ashton's dimples..aha..” Luke said as he poked Ashton's cheeks.

we just burst into laughter and we keep on twitcam until we reach our next destination.


A/N :

 Life is too short too not have any of those stuff ..isnt it ? lol

thanks for reading this ! Love ya,

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