45. Pizza Talk

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A/N :

Hello hungry readers !

Actually I'm having trouble to write about Jenny and the boys since they're not in the same place, but I'll try my best to make things work! Well, I hope its work.

Enjoy !


~ Michael p.o.v ~

The tour was over and now I'm home alone. my parents are having some dinner plan together while the boys spending time with their siblings…I mean..Calum is hanging out with his sister, Mali-Koa ..Luke is having some discussion with his brothers and Ashton is tutoring his sister… damn , I wish I have my own siblings..being the only child just so boring !

if only Jenny was still here… “ I talked to myself as I grab another slice of pizza.

An brilliant idea just came up on my brain ! I think I'm going to Skype her as I grab my laptop and click on the Skype logo.

urmm..hurry up Jen..” I said as I face the camera then I heard someone mubbling from the other side .

“  Mikey ! what the heck are you Skyping me in this …. such time ? “ Jenny said as she rose her eye brows and yawned.

“ what do you mean by that ? its only 6pm isn’t it ? “ I said as I grab another slice of pizza.

6pm in Australia is 1am in my country..idiot..” she said as she yawned again.

“ oopss..my bad …but you're answer it anyway…thanks..aha” I said with my mouth fill with food.

“ I know..I'm too kind…aha..what are you eating ? pizza ? hmm..now I'm hungry.. “ Jenny said as she pursed her lips.

“ aww…hey , do you want some ? “ I asked as I show her the box of pizza.

“ yeah! Sure..of course ..if only I was there…aha..” Jenny said as we both burst into joy of laughter.

“ mmmm! This pizza just so delicious ! you should grab one Jen..aha..” I said as I licking my finger.

“ shut up Mikey …” she said as she made her annoying face.

“ oh Jenissa ! you're the pizza of my life babe ! “ I said as I flying kiss on screen.

“ hahhaa.. that’s sweet…but why pizza ? “ she asked.

well, simply ..because you have the cheese that is irresistible ….” I said as I show her a slice of pizza.

aha..okay…then ? “ she said as she wears her hair in bun.

and..you have the sauce that is good for my heart ..” I said as I put my hand on my chest.

aww…nice pick up line Gordon..aha..what else ? “ she asked.

“ and….whenever I touch and feel you with my lips … I feel love ….” I said as I made my duck face.

“ what the heck ? we never kiss …aha..” she said as she made her duck face.

well, you don’t know how many times I've  imagine myself kissing those lips..aha..” I said as I chuckles.

erk…..what the heck are you talking about ? ” she asked as she rose her eyebrows.

hey , I'm kidding okay..aha..chill..” I said .

Then I saw someone come and sit beside her.

who the hell are you talking to in this early morning ? “ a girl with beautiful green eyes asked Jenny.

“ urmm..someone from Australia, and.. why aren’t you sleeping yet …Sis ? “ Jenny asked as elbowing that girl.

“ I want to but I cant..so..what are you guys talking about ? hey , I'm Julie , her sister and you ? nice hair by the way ! “ she said as she chuckles.

“ I'm Michael…aha…thanks..” I said shyly.

“ omg ..he's so hot ..isnt he one of the boys in ….” Julie whisper to Jenny but I still can hear it..lol

“ shhh Jul , go away.. “ I heard Jenny voice as she elbowing her sister.

“ aha… bye blue hair boy ! nice to …..aha…bye! “ Julie said as her voice drifting away from the screen.

“ sorry for that..she always being like…” Jenny said as I cut her lines.

“ woah ! your sister just so HOT ! well, even though you guys look alike..aha..guess McCartney Girls just naturally beautiful..” I said as I feel that my cheeks turn into red.

“ shut up Clifford..aha..are you smitten with my sister ? “ Jenny asked as she rose her left eyebrow.

“ kinda..but shes going to be married soon..so can I have her other sister to be mine ? “ I asked.

“ what are you talking about ? I'm the only sibling that she have…wait..now I get it..okay…we're not going to continue this topic Gordon…” Jenny said as she looked at me.

“ aha.. I know Marie , you cant choose between me and the boys isn’t it ? aha..” I said as I pointed at our poster on my wall.

“ well, my ultimate crush is still Niall James Horan ..so.. that’s my answer..aha..” she said as she giggling.

“ damnit ! we lose to that blonde..aha..but hey , he probably love our band more than his life ..so what are you going to do about it ? huh ? “ I asked as I rose my eyebrows.

“ oh my God , you just so full with yourself Michael ! aha..” she said as she chuckles.

Then we just continue talking about some random stuff until Jenny slowly drift off to sleep.


A/N :

So ? do you change your mind by shipping Jechael ? lol

Thanks for reading this ! Love ya ,

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