12. The invitation.

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A/N :

Hello awesome people !

Btw , this new character named Brian Esther is played by Dylan O'brien.

Enjoy your reading ! x


~ Ashton p.o.v ~

What a boring day . I try to ask the boys to hang out but.. Luke is currently shopping with his mom , Mikey just playing the video games as usual and keep ignoring me while Calum is writing our new song.. I want to help him..but.. he said he want it to be a surprise.

So I make my way to the kitchen to cook something.. oh.. I run out the ingredients..wait ! did Jenny already buy her groceries? I better call her now.

*tut tut*

hello Ash ? whats up ? “as  I hear her voice on the phone.

hi Jen , what are you doing ? erm.. need a favour with the groceries ? I can help you. I need to buy some groceries too . “ I said to her.

yeah. awesome ! but I still at college right now.. maybe an hour later ? “ Jenny said as I continue..

ohh dont worry. I'll pick you there. See you later ! “ as I hit the end button and get ready.


An hour later.. I picked her from the college , we make our way to the store.

“ so.. what should we buy first ? “ Jenny asked me when we step our feets into the store.

urm.... “ I looked at her and continue.. “ just follow my lead, my lady .. “ then we just giggling and walking..

then we grab some boxes of cereals, a couple bags of apples, 5 packets of instant noodles , 3 boxes of frozen pizza.. and Jenny as usual took a big jar of Nutella for herself.

I mean.. she really loves that things tho.

After grabbed all the things that we need., we went to the counter. She wants to pay all the bills but I insisted that  I'll pay for her. . I mean.. thats what a gentleman do right?

Then we walked into a music store.

what are we doing here Fletcher ? “ Jenny asked me with a smile.

I need to buy some drumsticks. I mean.. I already broke most of them and I need to buy the new one for the gig ..tomorrow night “ I said to her..

do they sell drumsticks in ..music store ? never knew that! Aha “ as she started giggling.

hell of course they do ! ..you need to know more about our band Miss McCartney ! “ I said to her and she continue laughing.

yeah yeah whatever Mr Drummer ! aha “ she chuckle and makes her way to the One Direction CDs.

Well , she is one of directioner. The whole world know it ..if they saw all the 1D posters all over her room.

erm.., may I help you ? “ a middle-age-man asked me. He works here.

oh, yeah. I need to buy some drumsticks. Do you have any ? “ I said to him.

yes . sure we have. Follow me for a while “ he said to me as I follow his lead.

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