43. Home sweet home

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A/N :

Hello readers !

I'm going to introduce you guys to the whole McCartney family..so their mom, Rose McCartney is played by Rachel Weisz and their dad, Abraham McCartney is played by Daniel Craig :--)

Enjoy !


~ Jenny p.o.v ~

After being force millions of times by Juliette Anne McCartney a.k.a my beloved sister .. so finally now I'm standing on our doorstep..toward the front door..am I ready to face them?

“ Jenny , what the heck are you doing there ? get in..this is our home missy ..” Julie shout from the living room.

And I slowly stepped inside and looked around ..

“this house haven’t change much.. “ I whisper to myself.

“ well..mom is still at her bakery and dad is at her office so..let us get your things and bring it to your room okay ? “ Julie said as she grab my luggage and I carry my bags.


Woah ! my room still the same like it used to be. the paint, the posters, the books, the arrangement of all the stuff in my room haven’t move an inch.

“ mom really take care of your room, see..is there any different from the last time you were in this room ? “ Julie asked as she rose her eyebrows and sit beside me on my bed.

“ nope..” I said as I looked at our family photos on the desk beside my bed.

“ here..we looked so young in this frame..aha..and my stupid long hair irritated me a LOT while we grew up..” Julie said as she flipped her hair.

“ aha…I remember  once when we had to practice our ballet and your long hair ruin your performance and we lost that competition.. aha“ I said as I burst into laughter.

shut up..we were such a great dancer wasn’t it ? I used to think that dancing would be our future but..nahh..I was completely wrong ! aha..” Julie said as she lying on the bed.

yup! Then we grew up.. you get into your medical school and become a hot nurse while I involved with motorcycle things and get myself into a lot of trouble.. aha..” I said as I lay beside her.

no.. we were too young that time..my mistakes for leaving you too early for chasing my own dream..I'm sorry…” Julie said as she looked me with her sad face.

nahh..thats okay, its my fault..I learn a lot from my mistakes..aha..so.., why are you here in LA ? I thought you're worked in New York wasn’t ? “ I asked her.

yup! I was ..but..you left and dad always not at home so I decided that I must going back here and accompany mom..I don’t want her to be lonely…if you know what I mean…” Julie said.

urm..sorry..I complicate everything..” I said as I can feel tears on my eyes.

shh..dont cry..you're ruin your mascara Jen..aha..” Julie said as she wipe my tears.

And we both chuckles.

But then..

Juliette.. I'm home ! I bought some cakes from the bakery in case you would love to taste for your wedding.. “ I heard a lovely voice downstairs that I haven’t heard for quite a while.

Julie looked at me and whisper..

its mom ! Lets compete on who is going to hug her first !

Then I can feel that my feets already ready to run, without dilly-dallying any further we both running down the stairs while laughing…this is what we always do when we were a little girl..kinda reminisce it a little bit..lol

hey , stop running..you're not a little girl anymore…” my mom said as she turns around and..

Jenissa ? is that you ? wait..I'm not dreaming right ? Juliette …is this your sister who standing in front of me ? how …..why….” my mom said and I cut her lines …

yes mom! This is me, Jenissa…aha..” I said as I embrace her and hugged her tightly.

Oh I miss you dear ! where have you been ? look at you.. so Emma didn’t take good care of my daughter isn’t she ? she said that you've been fine but..look at you.. “my mom said as she looked at me..

“ kinda thin..poor you..I'm going to have a lot of talks with my sister later…aha…oh I miss you so much …” she said and hugged me again.

“ aha..no mom..Aunt Emma really take a good care of me…see ? I've grown a little bit taller right ? “ I said as I hover my hand on my head.

yeah..kinda tall..but what happened to your hair ? OMG ! are you dying your hair  Jenissa ?” my mom asked as she looked at me.

“ urm..well..not actually ..I mean..” I said as I try to figure out what the best words to say to her.

you know what..screw it! I don’t care about your hair or piercing or anything ! as long as you're here with me …and that is enough ! I miss you Jenissa ! “ my mom said as she hugged me again.

see? I've told you ..you still pretty..aha..” Julie said as she touching my hair.

stop it ! don’t touch my hair you brunette..aha..” I said.

well, obviously me and my both daughters … are all brunette so…brunette hugs ? perhaps ? aha..” my mom said as she grab me and my sister into her arms and we just burst into a big laughter.

But then…

Rose.. have you seen my keys ? “ I heard my dad's voice came from the living room.

And now he standing in front of us.

urm… hi dad ..” I said.

He looked surprised.


A/N :

So ? this whole family things sometime make me forget about 5SOS boys..lol

I'm going to write about them in next chapter ! ;---)

btw, I think I'm going to write a fanfict about One Direction, do you interested to read ? 

 anyway..thanks for reading this ! love ya, 

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