16. The talks

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A/N :

Hey beautiful people!
enjoy your reading! X


~ Daniel p.o.v ~                 

Is this her room? Wow! This is awesome for a girl's room.

I stepped inside and saw her lying on her bed.

hello cousin ! what are you doing ? “ I asked her as I sit beside her on the bed.

“ I'm sleeping ..and pretend that I dont see you here “ she mumbling under the blanket.

aww.. just talk to me , we havent seen each other for years..and you said you miss me ..but you seems like you dont care ” I pursed my lips in disapproval..aha..I hope she falls for that.

but...but...I already promised the girls that we are going to have a sleepover at Danielle's house tonight...so I need a sleep now so that tonight I wont be too tired.” She said as she get up next to me.

see? I just got here a couple hours ago and you dont want to talk to me but you going to leave me tonight  instead  “ I makes my puppy eyes.

arghh okay fine ! what do you want to talk about Mr. Daniel Jonaskians Wilson ? “ she start muttering.

aha! well , lets start with your girl friends.. is this them ? “ I asked her as I picked up a purple frame on her study table.

yeah , so this is Vicky , Ari and Danielle” she show their photo to me.

oh..so HOT! Do they still single or what ? aha “ I was just joking around.

eww.. dont you dare to fall for them..aha..I mean all of them already taken... kinda “ She said to me.

kinda ? what do you mean by that ? “ I asked her as I rose my eyebrows.

well, Danielle thinks Becky is flirting her , but her self esteem is telling her that's not possible ....and Ari thinks Matt might like her , but her self esteem is telling her that he must act like that with everyone ....while Vicky thinks Andre might like her, but she so used to guys being untrustworthy or having ulterior motives that she don’t really know what to believe “ Jenny said to me as she rose her eyebrows.

erghh! That sounds awful.. I mean.. girls always full with insecurity right..why dont they just believe on others ? I mean.. so fill with drama.. just like the one in we watch in tv ..aha” I start chuckle.

hey , dont you dare to talk like that about my friends..I mean..the drama in tv being like.. this girl name Sarah likes Mike ..but Mike is going out with Jane ...when Jane is actually likes Dylan ..but Dylan likes Sarah... so Dylan asks out Sarah ..and Jane gets mad..and breaks up with Mike..so she can go out with Dylan .. then Sarah asks out Eric instead..and Eric likes Hannah ..and Hannah likes Mike..so Hannah asks out Mike ..and Jane gets jealous.. so she tries to make up with Mike.. fuhh! “ as Jenny out of breath and I start giggling.

babe , are you still watch another episode of that American movie ? aha.. I mean.. it doesnt make sense at all.. aha..” I cant stop laughing.

shut up Dan, sometimes things dont go the way we expect them to at all ..and people are usually never who they say they are ..” she look me straight to the eyes..oh..she sounds serious.

erm..okay..” I try to chase away the awkwardness here as I continue..

so Jen , tell me about 5 Seconds of Summer .. I mean.. I saw your photos with them all over the paper..and social media too.. are you..something with the boys ? “ I asked her.

That is why I hate the media. They keep making a stupid story about me and the boys.. I mean.. yeahh.. we're friends but..thats all.. not more than that.. cant the media just shut the shit up ? it just so annoying “ she pursed her lips in disapproval.

aha.. they probably jealous of you..being with the lads all the times and.. they would love to be in your position , Jen “ I said to her.

sure..most of the girls probably LOVE to be in my position as a really close friend with 5SOS..but..no, when you've got all the hates and most of them are DEATH TREATS.. no they would not want to be me “ she said as she gives a smirk.

what ? they just being so mean ! “ I mean..why would someone do that towards a girl? Oh.. jealousy is the ugliest thing ever!

but not all of them. There are some of them just being so nice.. polite and..happy with our friendship. I mean.. it just awesome .” she flashes her genuine smile.

yeah! cool. So , you really dont have feeling for any boys ? yet ? “ I asked her.. just curious.

aha ! there was a guy in my college ..but..we are just friend..I guess.. I mean who would be in love with me ? thats stupid because I'm not the kind of girl boys fall in love with..aha.. “ she started giggling.

Jenissa Marie McCartney ,  I will not sit here anymore and listen to you talk bad about yourself.. I mean.. if you love someone..you need to tell them, nobody is good at the quessing game. Plus , psychologically, it is extremely hard to be just friends with someone you've fallen in love with, attempting to do so can drive you crazy .. “ I said to her and give a warm smile

woah! You doing great at giving advise ..aha..did they teach you that in your military camp ? aha.. I mean.. the girls warned me about him..he kinda a heart-breaker.. “she pursed her lips in disapproval..and continue...

Gosh , I hate him so much but he's so hot ..aha ” and she started chuckle.

aha.. you know.. if your best friend dont like the boy you're involving yourself with, chances are he's a bad new..and if he starts an invitation with , ‘are you home alone?’ or ‘I'll be home alone’ , say no. You are a human being , not a toy to played with. “ I take a deep breath and continue..

Sorry to say , but the boy who takes your virginity is only going to love you long enough for you to stay in his bed. And if some boy invites you to ‘the backseat of his truck’ , he's a piece of shit. Tell him to fck himself. “ I look at her with my serious face..

I mean.. yeah I know she already a big girl now..but to me.. she will always be my little sister..4 years of ages gap is really huge.

She gives me a warm smile.

Jenny , in the future.. there's going to be a boy that you let get away. Yes , you loved him ..its for the best though “ I said to her as I rubbed her hair.

And suddenly her phone vibrates.


A/N :

Haip ! so ? any comments ? thoughts ? just leave it down here.

Thanks for reading! Love ya , x


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