48. The imperfect family

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A/N :

Hello awesome readers !

so lets bring back the whole family in this chapter :--)

enjoy !


~ Jenny p.o.v ~

I open the front door after I heard the door bell rang for quite long time. I wonder whos coming .

surprise! Oh honey , how are you ?? “ Aunt Emma embrace me into her arms after I opened the front door.

“ awww! You didn’t tell me that you're coming to America ! “ I said in excitement as we hugged each other.

we didn’t know it either..aha..” Uncle Rupert said as he grab me into his arms.

“ aha..anyway,  I'm glad you're here..and..please do come in..mom and dad are in…” I cant continue my lines as I saw…

“ DANIEL !!!! “ I shouted as I run towards him which..he just get out from the car.lol

I embrace him with my legs around his waist and wrap my arms lightly around his shoulders.

“ chill Jen, its not like you're havent seen me for years..aha..” Daniel said as he giggling.

“ well, you're in military and I find it really hard just to…” I tried to speak but then Daniel put his finger on my lips.

“ hush Jen, I'm hungry..do you have any food in the house ? “ he asked as he give me his warm-smile.

“ yeah..sure..lets get into the house..” I beamed.


That night, I sat alone on the couch with a cup of tea and looking outside the window.

so Jenny..are things going well between you and your dad ? 'cause..I noticed that you guys ..didn’t talk much.. like you used to, isn’t it ? ” Uncle Rupert came and sit next to me.

urm..I don’t know..I guess things..just..not the same anymore..” I said as I tried not to cry.

oh sweetheart, listen..sometimes without fault or reason, relationships deteriorate. It will happen when you're six, it will happen when you're sixty. That’s life honey .. “ Uncle Rupert said as he grab me into his arms.

“ I don’t know.. I mean..why?  It seems like..he didn’t get me..at all..” I said as I slowly lies on his chest.

“ hey, you know what? parents ..usually don't understand their kids. But when you need them, they'll always be there..” he said as he slowly grip my shoulder.

“ I tried to hold myself together, I tried to keep my sadness down. I told myself that I'm going to be okay . I told myself that I was strong , that I was happy..but how many more times do I have to keep on lying to myself to believe it ? “ I said as I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.

Then it was a moment of silent between us except the sound of my sobbing filled the air.

“ is there anything wrong here ? Rupert ? Jenissa ? “ suddenly my dad came into the lounge.

“ well, this is your daughter Abraham. Maybe all you guys need just..a little talk isn’t it ? “ Uncle Rupert said as he tried to get up but I trying to stop him as he continue..

Jenissa..that man who is standing there..is your father..your own father. Go ahead tell him..things will be just fine. Trust me..” Uncle Rupert said as he give me quick kiss on the forehead.

Uncle Rupert slowly get up and walked out through the room and leave only me and my dad.

“ so, what is it all about ? “ my dad asked as he sit beside me and his blue eyes meet mine.

“ its…nothing..really..I'm fine..” I lied again as I tried to get up.        

“ no..honey. tell me..things aint going so well isn’t it ? I can tell by the look in your eyes..” my dad said as he wrapped his hand on top of mine.

I face the floor and collecting all my strength to say this..

 “ I just remember how was back then ..” I said as I wipe my tears.

“ what do you mean ? “ he asked.

“ I mean..things change. people change, you changed . we used to talk for hours and now I'm lucky enough to talk to you for a few minutes a day. You used to want to be with me and now you make it seem like you're always too busy. I remember the jokes, laughs, smiles we shared…and I doubt you remember any of that.. “ I said as I looked into his eyes and continue..

“ mostly, I would really just to know why. Why are you doing this ? why are you ignoring me ? why have you changed ? why did you break your promise ? “ I said as I tried to control myself from sobbing.

“ Jenissa…I..” he tried to say as I cuts his lines..

 “ Dad, I'm sorry for constantly  want to talk to you , I'm sorry when you take long to reply ..I get sad. I'm sorry if I say things that might piss you off. I'm sorry if I come off as annoying , I'm sorry if you don’t want to talk to me as much as I want to talk to you…” I sobbed and he grab me into his arms.

 “ and…I'm sorry if I think about you too much or too often. I'm sorry if I tell you about all my pointless drama when you don’t really care. I'm sorry if I come off as being clingy ..I just..miss you..please don’t hate me..” I said with my face pressed against his chest breathing in his sweet scent.

 “ Jenissa..honey, listen..okay , I knew..we argued a lot, said some things we didn’t mean, maybe did things we regret, but it doesn’t mean I hate you. The truth ? I miss you too..so much..and you probably didn’t realized but its true. I still think about you just not as much anymore, you'll always be my baby girl. I still love you, and I'm willing to wait for how ever long it takes for you to come back..” my dad say as he kiss my temple.

“ I just…I don’t want my kids growing up afraid to tell me things.. you drank ? okay. you smoked ? okay. you're struggling ? its alright . I want them to be able to talk to me without feeling like they're going to be punished, so the end up isolating and keeping things from me , you know…” he continue.

“I want them to feel safe opening up to me without fear or judgment. When its hard to trust people nowadays..I want them to know I'm always here..even when everyone leaves.. “ he tighten his arms around me.

“ dad…I'm really sorry for what I've done.. forgive me. Don’t mad at me please ? “ I sobbing while I looked into his eyes.

“ but sweetheart, please tell me. How am I supposed to stay mad at you when your baby blue eyes are asking me not to ? “ he said as he chuckles.

“ aha..thanks dad. I love you…” I said as I kiss his cheeks.

“ I love you too sweetheart..” my dad said as he his my forehead.

I wish this moment last forever until..

“ urm.. Jenissa..I've been wondering for quite a long time..so..tell me about the Australian boys ? the one with the band.. are you in love with any of them ? “ dad asked.

I looking at him with my mouth agape.

“ dad !!



So? Should her dad know about her secret crush or what ? I guess nope. lol
Thanks for reading this ! Love ya,

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