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Zayn hasn't talked to me ever since we left the restaurant. He kept looking at the road. Not one glance at me. Colby was silent, too. Like me, he knew when Zayn was upset. We didn't dare to say anything.

We arrived home after twenty minutes of driving. Zayn got off the car without waiting for either me nor Colby. I grabbed Colby and held him as we went upstairs to the loft.

The door was already open meaning that Zayn was already inside. I put Colby down and he ran inside. Closing the door and putting my stuff down, I noticed Zayn sitting down on the sofa with his head in his hands.

Ignoring him, I went into the kitchen to see Colby sitting infront of his food meaning that he was still hungry. I served him a bowl of puppy food and poured water on his other bowl.

"Why do I keep trying?"

I turned at the sound of Zayn's voice. "What do you mean?"

"I keep telling myself to keep fighting but I can't. I want to give up. I NEED to give up. It's no use anymore."

I was still feeling confusion. I walked to the living room until I stood infront of him. He was in the same position. "I'm still not getting what you mean."

He took his face away from his hands and looked up to me so we were eye to eye. His eyes started to tear up. What's happening? He looked back down at his legs and gave a shaky sigh before speaking, "We need to break up Mackenize."

"What?!" I yelled. I've never thought that those words would come out from his mouth. Pain and sadness suddenly overtook me. This couldn't be happening. This has to be a dream. As soon as I fully understood what he just said, tears started to come out from my eyes.

But I wasn't the only one. Zayn looked back up again and his eyes were full of tears. He's crying,too. He gasped hardly, he couldn't breathe because of the tears that kept flowing down. He was in pain too. The next words he spoke broke my heart into a million pieces, "I'm breaking up with you."

My knees collapsed to the ground right infront of him. I put my hands on his knees and tried to make him look at me, "Zayn, no. Please. Don't do this. You promised. Please don't Zayn I'm sorry."

His eyes were red as he kept crying. "I can't. I just can't."

I wasn't just feeling pain or sadness. I was angry. I stood up while he stayed sitting down. "Yes you can Zayn! You promised me! You said that we were going to be together forever! You said we were going to get married, have kids, and die together! What happened to that?! Does this even mean anything to you?!?!" I put my hand up revealing the promise ring he had given me full of his promises.

He stood up before I could talk again. "It does mean everything to me!!!!-"

"No Zayn! If it meant something to you then you wouldn't have GIVEN UP!!!!! You lied Zayn!!! All you promised me was a lie! THIS was a LIE!!!!!" I pointed at the ring that didn't mean a thing to him.

"It wasn't a lie until you had to get jealous and KNOCK DOWN PERRIE!!!!" He yelled back.

"Well, EXCUSE ME for being a protective girlfriend!! That just shows that I at least cared for you!!!"

"Oh, so you don't think I care for you?" He asked.

"No because if you did, then you would've rethought of breaking this off before leaving me broken hearted!"

"Well you're wrong. I cared for you more than I cared for myself! I gave you EVERYTHING MACKENZIE! EVERYTHING!!!!"

"You think I didn't?!?! I gave up seeing my grandma everyday so I could COME and LIVE with you leaving her all by herself!"

The Way You Make Me Feel [z.m.] Where stories live. Discover now