Big Girls Dont Cry

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At first I didn't know where to go , but one person immediately came into mind.


He was the member I first met and the one I was the closest to besides Zayn( who I didn't want to think about right now). He would always be there for me and would always cheer me up. No matter what happened, Harry would be there. He's what I call a bestfriend. Yes the other boys are like my brothers but Harry was my savior.

I quickly got in my black Range Rover and started driving over to Harry's(Louis moved out two days ago). On my way , I kept telling myself 'don't cry don't cry' because I knew that sooner or later I would burst into tears. 'Big girls don't cry,' I mentally kept telling myself.

You might think that it's stupid for me to cry over something that's not a big deal but it's more than that. Rejection. He rejected me. When he told me no , it gave me the worst feeling I have ever experienced . It made me feel unwanted. When he yelled at me, it made me feel like he didn't love me anymore. Like he didn't care how I felt.

I reached Harry's house in a matter of 15 minutes. I parked the car in front of his house and quickly got off , grabbing my bag. Knocking on the door, I couldn't hold the tears in , it felt like the longer it took , the more it was going to build up inside of me. I waited impatiently , shaking on the outside.

I was so close to letting it all out until the curly haired boy dressed in a tshirt and sweats opened the door. "Hey Mackenzie what's-"

I cut him off by jumping into his arms and crying my eyes out. I hugged him tightly, showing him that I needed the support.

He didn't say anything . He hugged me back and then walked me inside of his house. He carried me onto the couch, sat down next to me, and hugged me, whispering comforting things to me like 'everything is going to be okay' 'I'm here' and 'let it all out'. I don't know how long I was crying but I stopped.

"You okay,babe?"He whispered, soothing me by rubbing my arms gently.

I sniffed."No."

"What happened Mickey?" He asked, looking at me in the eyes.

I sniffed again." Zayn-he-" I began but got cut off by fresh new tears running down my cheeks.

"What happened with Zayn? Is he alright?" He asked urgently and worriedly.

"Yes he just.... Rejected me." I said and then burst out with more tears. I put my head in Harry's chest as he rubbed circles on my back.

"I don't understand what you mean..."

"I wanted to but he didn't ..." I tried to explain again.

He looked at me with confusion still in his eyes. "Do what?"

"It." I simply told him , hoping that he knew what I was talking about.

He eyes popped up for a second . "Oh ....." I knew that he understood now.

" We ended up screaming at each other and he went into the bedroom and locked the door . I banged on the door but he wouldn't open so I left." I explained . I wasn't crying anymore. I knew that crying wasn't going to solve anything.

"Did he see you leave?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. He told me not to go but I did."

Harry sighed. "Well I don't know what to say Mickey but all I know is that Zayn isn't the type to hurt others feelings, especially yours. Maybe he thought that it wasn't the right time to do it."

"We've been together for a year and two months, Haz. Isn't that enough time?" I asked for more understanding.

"Maybe for you but it's different for everyone. Maybe he wants to wait until he is one hundred percent sure that he's ready. You might be but maybe he isn't."

I nodded. "I know , I just want to show him how much I love him...I can't stand being rejected."

He nodded as well. "You will soon enough but you have to patient for him and it's not rejection. He's just trying to tell you he wants to wait more."

"Thanks Haz." I told him.

"Anytime babe. Okay so , are we done with the ackward sex talk of my two friends?" He asked , making me burst out into laughter.

" Yeah , that's over now." I giggled.

"Do you want me to call him?" He asked until his phone rang. He picked up and looked at the caller ID. He showed me who it was. Zayn. "Hello?" He asked into the phone. "Yeah man, she's right here... She's fine I already talked to her so don't worry... Wait up." He looked over at me, stretching out his arm with the phone in his hand indicating that Zayn wanted to talk to me.

I was close to saying no until I saw Harry begging with his eyes for me to talk to Zayn. "Hello?" I asked holding the phone into my ear.

"Babe..." I heard the beautiful voice say,"I'm sorry.."

I sniffed. " I'm sorry too.."

"I know it was wrong for me to scream at you and tell you no , I can imagine how you felt... But you gotta know that I wanna wait more until we experience that .. I know you want to but I don't think it's the right time right now.." he explained.

"Yeah I know. I understand and I'm sorry for acting bitchy towards you.I'll wait for you though."

"Thanks babe , I love you." he said. Even though he said it into the phone it still made my heart flutter and my stomach churn.

"I love you too."

"You coming home? It's 8pm." he asked.

"I don't know, I think I'll sleep at Harry's tonight but I'll see you at Niall's party tomorrow."

"Alright love, sweet dreams."

"Thanks, dream about me tonight." I told him.

"Baby I always am.." he said.

Even though he couldn't see me , I blushed.

"Awww she's blushing!!!!" Harry yelled out, pointing at my flushing cheeks.

Zayn laughed into the phone. " I bet she is.. But save those adorable blushes when I'm there to see them love."

"Okay." I promised.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

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