With Your Love

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The next day we arrived at the animal shelter in Manchester . While we were in the car, Zayn kept on talking and talking about how badly he has wanted a puppy ever since his old one died . We agreed on a puppy who grows big cause little dogs are too annoying when they get older. We both got off the car and walked inside the shelter to the reception desk.

A young looking blonde girl smiled at us. "Hello i'm Casie how may i help you?"

"We would like to adopt a puppy."Zayn said smiling kindly at her.

"Sure folllow me please."She smiled , opening the door next to her desk and letting us in where all the dogs were. We passed all the big dogs and then she lead us in where all the small puppies. As soon as Zayn saw the puppies , he immediately ran over to them holding and petting each one. I laughed at him , it was clear how much he has wanted a puppy . Casie was standing next to me, looking at Zayn playing with the puppies.

"I'm guessing he's the one who wanted a puppy?"She asked looking at me.

I laughed."Yeah he's the one."

I looked back at Zayn . I noticed he was playing with only one puppy this time .

"What type of puppy is that?"I looked back at Casie.

"It's a shiba inu."She told me.

I nodded and looked back at my boyfriend playing with the puppy. "Babe is that the one?" I asked , making him look at me but still holding the puppy as he stood up .

"Yeah, this is is it."He smiled.

We returned back to the desk and signed the papers and gave the money to Casie.

"Do you know what gender the puppy is?"I asked her.

"It's a boy."She said.

I turned back to Zayn who was stroking the puppys fur."Do you know what you wanna name him?"

"Mmmm....."He thought.".... Colby."


After we got Colby , we went to the petstore to buy all his things . He was pretty excited so Zayn carried him as we bought him everything. When we got to our condo , Colby jumped out of Zayn's arms and ran inside . We both laughed at the excited puppy and put his stuff down in the living room . The whole afternoon we were getting everything ready for our new member . We decided he would sleep in our room with us since Zayn didn't want the puppy to sleep alone but I said that after two months , he would sleep in the living room . I mean , it's better not to get the puppy used to sleeping in our bed , right?

After we finished, we ate veggie sandwiches for lunch. We were both lazy to cook today. The rest of the afternoon we played with Colby .

It was night now, and the three of us were tired so we were on the couch watching Think Like A Man . Colby was already asleep on Zayn's lap and Zayn was very close to falling asleep when his phone rang.

He took his arm off my shoulder and reached for his phone in his pocket."Hello?"He answered drowsily .

I heard a soft murmur in the phone.

"Yeah,yeah,okay.Wait up."Zayn said getting off the couch and handing the still asleep Colby on my lap. I watched as he went in our room and a minute later, came out with his laptop. He sat down on the couch again with his phone still pressed to his ear and turned on the laptop. I waited for the laptop to turn on and saw him turn on the ichat. After a little bit, we saw two faces on the screen . Louis and Eleanor.

"HI!!"Louis waved in the camera.

"Hey guys."Zayn said turning off his phone and setting it down on the table.

"Awww is that the puppy?"Eleanor asked putting her hands over her mouth in awwe.

"Yep."I answered.

"What is it?"Louis asked leaning closer to the camera to get a better look at the sleeping puppy.

"It's a orange shiba inu. His name is Colby."Zayn explained.

"Guess you're stuck with males Mackenzie."Louis grinned.

"Louis do me a favor and shut up."I jokingly said.

"Can we go and see him when we come back?"Eleanor asked before Louis could respond. I guess she didn't want Louis to give me a sassy answer.

"Sure."I said.

"How are you guys by the way?"Zayn asked.

"We're doing good."Eleanor smiled.

"When are you guys coming back?"I asked.

"In five days."

"Ohh Zayn wanna see what I got?!"Louis asked and then ran out of the room . He came back with a giant stuffed monkey. "Look isn't he cute??!!??"

"Where'd you get it?"Zayn laughed.

"At this festival."Louis grinned, admiring his monkey by petting its head.

"Which festival?"I asked.

"The V Festival. Dani, Liam,Lou,and I went."Eleanor informed us.


"Yeah, the six of us should go out together!"

"Woah there."Louis smirked.

Eleanor gently shoved his shoulder but laughed."Not like that Lou. Like hanging out."

"Yeah we should."I agreed.

"Do you guys know if there's going to be another festival?"Zayn asked.

"Umm.. yeah i think next week."Louis thought furrowing his eyebrows in a weird but funny way.

"We should go then!'I exclaimed , clapping my hands and accidently waking up Colby. The poor puppy opened his eyes and looked around the room. Zayn grabbed him and pet him trying to get him to relax.

"Awww."Eleanor pointed at Colby .

"Thanks for waking the piuppy up Mackenzie." Louis said.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's alright babe."Zayn said and continued petting Colby who was looking at the computer screen.

"So are we on?"Eleanor asked , grabbing our attention.

"Woah..."Louis' eyes popped.

"Lou i swear to God if you don't stop with that dirty mind..."El warned pointing at him.

"Sorry."He murmered.

"So are we?"She asked turning to us.

I looked at Zayn.


link to how Colby looks like --> http://www.google.com/search?aq=&rlz=1T4LENN_en___US501&q=shiba+inu&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=d8cRUaf8J4qkiQKg9YHoBQ&biw=1249&bih=564&sei=fMcRUZXbK4zFiwK-3IHABA#um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1T4LENN_en___US501&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=shiba+inu+puppies&oq=shiba+inu+pu&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.9989.11078.0.12729.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41934586,d.cGE&fp=8baf7aba75ca6c9f&biw=1249&bih=564&imgrc=fh45ODK_hH3w5M%3A%3Bx-557XCN460sIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fshibainudog.net%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Fshiba-inu-puppies3.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fshibainudog.net%252Fshiba-inu-puppies-care%252F%3B897%3B675

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