Chasing Pavements

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The next day, Zayn was going to spend the day with his mom and dad so I decided to go out with Safaa, Waliyha, and Doniya to the mall. Nothing like spending quality time with his sisters right? After all, I did miss them. Colby was staying with Zayn because there couldn't be any pets inside the mall.

We were heading to the downtown mall in Bradford. It was a Tuesday so there probably weren't going to be that many people there. Today was a free day for Waliyha and Safaa at school so they could come without being absent and missing school.

As we went inside the big mall, there were a few paparazzi but they didn't bother us that much, they just took pictures from far away. Thank God.

We were going to take turns for what store to go to. First was Safaa. She decided to go to Claire's. We followed her to the store and went inside.

"These are pretty," She commented as she glanced at some Hello Kitty earrings. Doniya and Waliyha went to the bag section and I stayed with Safaa.

I looked around the store with my eyes as Safaa was picking things she wanted. There were different colored scarfs, earrings,girls bandanas, bags, shoes,hats, hair extensions,and bows.

"Mickey what do you think about this?" Safaa asked me as she put on a cute brown hat on the top of her head. It looked adorable on her and it did match the outfit she was wearing today. She wore a Hannah Montana shirt (her favorite Disney channel star), brown boots, and blue jeans.

"It looks very cute on you sweetheart. Here, let me take a picture." I said and pulled out my Iphone5. She posed with one hand on her hip and a cute smile. I took a picture and immediately sent it to Zayn.

We continued to look around. Safaa ended up getting four hats(different colors), five scarfs(all pink but different shades), three pairs of earrings(including the Hello Kitty ones), and two bags (pink and purple). I ended up paying but I didn't mind, I liked spending money on people I loved.

Next was Waliyha. She decided to take us to Forever21. Waliyha and I had similar tastes in clothing, I mean we both loved Forever21 but she liked jeans and cute tops while on the other hand I liked shorts and dresses.

Safaa got bored so Doniya took her to the candy shop next door while I stayed with Waliyha. As I was watching Waliyha, I got a text.

From:My Boo/Baby<3

That is beyond adorable(: x did she end up getting it? Are you having a good time? Xx

I quickly texted back.

To:My Boo/Baby<3

I know huh?(: yes she did, and three more :p Yes I am . I love spending time with your sisters <3

I sent the text and looked up to see Waliyha walking over to me.

"What do you think about these?" She asked me and held up a dress that was white from the top to the waist and purple waist down and another dress that was white from the top also but baby blue from the bottom.

"Wow, I didn't think you liked dresses,lollipop. But yes, these are really nice." I told her. I had a nickname for Waliyha, I would call her lollipop because she had an obsession with them.

"I know but.... Can I tell you something?" She asked again.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked her with concern.

"Well,um, there's this boy...." She said, trying to clue me in and I immediately knew what she meant by those three words.

"Ahh, I get what your saying, but babe, you don't have to change for a boy. Be who you are, don't be someone you aren't." I advised her.

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