Another One Bites The Dust

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After Cher had told me about the interview the so called Perrie Edwards had and showed me the video, I was really pissed.

Basically the interviewer asked her her celebrity crush and she said she thought Zayn was 'her type' and 'very attractive.' But that's not it. The interviewer asked her 'You do know he has a girlfriend,right?' and then she responded by saying 'I know. But if he didn't have her, I'd have him by now.'

That got me beyond pissed.

And you do not wanna see me that pissed.

When we got back to Zayn and I's apartment, the boys called Cher telling her that they were berly coming back. Half and hour later, Niall texted Demi to meet her at Nando's because he was hungry(not a surprise) and he wanted to spend alone time with his girlfriend. Demi obviously left right away.

Fifteen minutes later, Justin called Selena and told her(more like surprised her) that he was here in England and to go pick him up at the airport. Selena grabbed her keys and asked Cher if she wanted to go. Cher looked back at me and asked me if I wanted her to stay with me.

I told her no.

I didn't want her to see me at my angry level. I don't want to scare her.

She quickly nodded and left with Selena, saying that she'd be back soon.

And then I was all alone. At first I didn't know what to do. But then the more I didn't do anything, the more my anger was starting to build up. So what did I do? The first thing I grabbed was a vase and threw it on the wall making it sound like a big clash.

I didn't care. I needed something to take out my emotions inside of me. I quickly ran into our extra room that was like a mini gym and quickly put on my boxing gloves. I didn't waste much time. As soon as I put my hands in the gloves, I punched the punching bag.

I'm not a violent type of person but I do like letting out my anger when I can't take it any longer. After about twenty punches, I heard the door shut. Probably Zayn. I still didn't care. I kept punching as much as I could. I needed to get it all out.

I heard footsteps in the kitchen and a bag dropping on the floor. Then I heard a little bell ring and a puppy barking. Colby must've woken up and heard Zayn.

"Hey buddy," I heard Zayn say.

Colby barked and I could her his little feet jumping on the ground.

I heard Zayn talking to the little puppy in his baby voice he would do but I continued to punch.

Footsteps were walking over here and there appeared Zayn holding Colby in the doorstep looking a bit tired from the photoshoot.

"Hey. What are you doing?" He asked.

I answered him while still punching, my blood was still boiling with anger, reminding me of the damn blonde who likes MY boyfriend who I've been with for 1 YEAR. Jealous? Yep. Totally. I'm not the overly jealous type but I like to let people know that what's mine is MINE. And no one else's. I don't share. "What" punch "does" punch "it" punch "look" punch "like" punch "I'm" punch "doing?" I asked him.

"Yeah I can see that babe. But why? You only do that when you're on a diet, which I am never happy about, or when you're angry." He said.

I sighed. "Well I'm" punch "not on" punch "a diet."

Zayn's eyebrows furrowed and he set the puppy down on the ground and walked over to me. "You're angry."

I sighed again." Duh."

He grabbed the bag and made it stop making me stop punching and grabbed a hold of it. "Can you explain to me why?"

"No."I walked over to the mini gym's bathroom, hearing Zayn following me.

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