Strange Behaviour

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"Can you tell Dan that I'll be in tonight to help out with the rest of the case?" You caught Lucifer by his sleeve as he went to leave his condo. Your laptop sat on your lap, glad that working at the bar meant the sunlight didn't blind you.

Lucifer scowls at you. "Why don't you go down and tell him yourself Y/L?" He questions genuinely, "Ever since you did that drug bust with him you've been making me your messenger... what's going on darling?" He leans against the bar rolling his eyes as you don't look up at him.

"It's called a hangover." You sipped at your water bottle, the silky-smooth liquid running down her throat quenching her thirst. "It's often what happens when the devil is constantly making you party." You inform him, smirking even when he continues to scowl at you.

"Fine but the next message you deliver yourself," Lucifer growls leaving the building.

You let out a sigh, wiping your eyes you look back at your computer, unable to take in the information before you when you were distracted by your own thoughts. You were starved and your teeth ground together.

You slammed your hand down on the counter, shattering the glass you swore at yourself knowing Lucifer wasn't going to lay off with the question when he got back. You pace back and forth as you picked the glass from your hand, chucking it aside without a worry.

You glared at the sun for cursing you as it did, wishing to be able to leave and eat to finally feel full but you know that wasn't going to happen until the moon showed its face.

When this did happen she had dressed herself in a thick coat and a wide-brimmed fedora knowing you didn't want anyone to recognize you as you headed into the darker parts of down. However, before you could head out, Lucifer burst through the door, Chloe and Trixie following close behind him.

You bite down on the inside of your cheek, smiling sweetly at the two as they sat on the couch.

"How are you Trixie sticks?" You question forcing yourself not to show your teeth as she smiles up at you. Lucifer raises an eyebrow at you picking up on your strange behaviour.

"I'm good. How are you? Have you been sick? You haven't come to see Daddy lately." Trixie asks coming over to you to continue the conversation, your bottle had run out long ago and you were getting desperate.

"I've been feeling a little off yes..." Your voice almost seemed to loom.

"Are you alright darling?" Lucifer questioned lurking closer to you as he sensed your edginess.

"Actually, no I'm not, Chloe could you do me a favour and remove yourself and miss Trixie out of the building." You seer through your teeth and Chloe follows your instructions immediately leaving you to fall to the ground and hold your mouth as you and Lucifer were alone.

Your long eye teeth dug into your bottom lip as you struggled to maintain your hunger. Lucifer's eyes widen as he watches your eyes turn dark, your cheekbones hollowing out.

"Fuck." You growl unable to stop yourself from leaping at Lucifer and biting into his arm, drawing blood from him you began to drain him, able to breathe again now that you were feeding. You closed your eyes as you realized that you were feeding on the man you were in love with.

"No." Your scream was muffled through Lucifer's flesh. Lucifer couldn't bring himself to pull you off him as you seemed as if you needed this, he didn't even fight when his head began to spin. He had so many questions for you but one main one.

What were you?

You dug your nails into his skin before forcing yourself away and crashing into the alcohol gallery, covered in glass and liquor you jump over the bar and throw the couch across the room, taming your anger.

You breathe coming back over to Lucifer, your fangs receding you looked at the unconscious man on the floor, you race to his side cursing yourself and doing everything you could to bring him round. All you could think was one thing.

He's dead.

Hi there! I know this is short and really bad but I hope you at least kind of enjoyed it.

It's also a bit different... do you like it or should I just stick to normal ones?

I am working on a few requests I got and still working on some of the multi-part ones (Including 'You Can Jump For All I Care').

Thank you for nearly 18k reads, it means so much to me! Thank you for reading my stories. You are all amazing!


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