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Lucifer hadn't known anything but his piano for the past month.

Everything else was a blur. The only time he felt anything was when his fingers crawled along the piano keys. 

He sang the same song every night because it was the only one that he could pour his everything into. 

Maze watched from a distance, less of the Lucifer she knew present before her, less sanity in his eyes with every night that passed. 

"What am I now? What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around?" His chest vibrated as his voice rose from his throat. His fingers pressed hard against the keys.

"I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling."

"He's going to be happy to see you." Maze commented as Chloe came up to the bar. 
"It disturbs me seeing him like this.' Chloe sighed into her drink.

"He's broken." Maze sticks her tongue out. "That doesn't sit right."

"I'm not here to make things better." Chloe groans, Maze getting her another drink, sensing she needed it.

"Has something happened to her?" Maze questioned, she'd grown fond of you over time.

"No, but something could." Chloe looks back to Lucifer who still hadn't spotted her, much to her relief.

"He will ruin everything in his path if she gets hurt, you know that right?" 
"That's what scares me." That's when it dawned on Chloe how silent it was. 
"Detective." His accent rang through her ears. Chloe threw make the rest of her drink. "I take it something wrong then." His voice maintained one level of tone.

"She's fine." Chloe sighed. 
"Fine... Would you really class working undercover to bust some of the most dangerous people in LA as fine?" Lucifer sighed. 
"Lucifer, she chose to do this. You can't keep acting like this." 
"I don't understand why." Lucifer huffed. "And I will act however I like." He glared fire. 

"I thought you should know that there have been some developments. They've met up with another gang, nothing's come of it yet but as you can imagine, it could go wrong quickly. We're going to try and take them both down." Chloe informed him.

"Right." Lucifer couldn't manage to find the energy to respond with all the words that jumbled around his head. 

You worked with Chloe, though you never felt you did much for the department as a whole no matter how hard you tried. So when Dan came to you with the offer of working undercover to take one of the most notorious gangs down, you couldn't help but feel this was your chance. 

Lucifer was distraught. 

That sounded odd when you first thought it to yourself but he was. 

He hated the thought of you being in a life-threatening situation twenty-four-seven when he couldn't do anything to aid you. The two of you had become close, not as close as you'd have liked but it was enough for that moment. 

He just wanted to protect you.

Lucifer left Chloe and Maze at Lux that night, instead, occupying his night by lying stiff on his bed, still in his suit and shoes. 

His state had only become worse the next night. 

"What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling. And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again." He stopped short as Chloe burst from the elevator.

Lucifer shot up from his seat, sensing the panic in Chloe's movements. 

"We need to go, the bust is happening now." 

"What do you mean it's happening now?" Lucifer scans her face. 

"We need to get in there now, otherwise someone's going to get hurt." 
Chloe managed to convince Lucifer to let her drive, concerned for their wellbeing if Lucifer took the wheel. They made it to the warehouse where the gang was gathered, Lucifer failing to listen to the warnings of the cops, stormed into the building, eyes flaming red. 

Shots were fired as soon as he entered the room, knowing they were surrounded by police. Lucifer had been enraged to the point where his skin began to peel back revealing its true red tone. He didn't feel a single bullet that ricocheted off of his chest. 

Guns dropped to the floor, people scattered but they were incapacitated in a matter of moments, not dead but unable to move. 

Then he stood before their leader, now back to his human body, The leader held you close to his side. 
"I know who you want." The leader teased, moving the barrel of his pistol up the curves of your scantily clad body. "Little Missy here has been lying to us haven't you?" He rasped.

"Let her go." Lucifer rumbled. 

"Move an inch I'll shoot her." The leader smirked. "I promise it won't kill her yet." Lucifer went to move. "I'll shoot you too."

"Lucifer.... don't." You shook your head, tears in your eyes. "Please." You pleaded. 

Forgetting he would bleed now that his chest had caved due to your tear-soaked cheeks. He moved. More specifically, he lunged. Tackling The Leader to the ground. 

Bang. Bang. Bang.

You knew you had been shot. You knew Lucifer had been shot.

You knew that they were the least of your concerns. 

Although most of the second gang had been in the room when Lucifer arrived. The frontman of the group, however, wasn't. 

You screamed as the Frontman stormed toward you, gun pointed at your head. 

"Dan!" You heard screams from outside. "Not yet!" 

But just like Lucifer, Dan ignored instructions, breaking in and pulling the trigger before The Frontman could do the same. 



"What the hell were you thinking?" You swore as you processed all that just happened, barely able to stand as blood poured from your shoulder. "You could have gotten me killed. I've been shot. You tear me to shreds because you're scared I'm going to die... and yet, you're the one who hurt me." You struggled to shout at Lucifer, uncaring at that moment that he was lying in a pool of blood.

Dan caught you, keeping you upright as your knees gave it. 

"I thought we were going to lose you." Dan shakes his head as she's laid on a stretcher. 

"I live to spite your fears, Dan." You wheezed.

He rode with you to the hospital.

Where you received the worst news of your life.

"Y/n... we lost him." Dan held your hand, his voice soft as he broke the news.


p.t 2?

So, I'm a bit rusty, I don't know if this is any good... I think maybe it's a bit confused... 

Is it okay? Do you like it? Would you like a part 2?

Let me know.

School has been stressful recently, sorry I haven't been updating, I hope to update more often.

I'll work on finishing up some of the previous parts. 

I hope your day/night is kooky and fun,

~Brei :)

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