Stubborn as The Devil

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"I'm sorry, I may be mistaken but I could have sworn you just said Lucifer told you he has feelings for me..." Your mouth was left agape as sarcasm poured from it, not believing you had actually heard what Chloe had said.

"I know, I had the same reaction but I swear on my badge that he had a "Heart" to "No Heart" conversation with me and told me that he was falling for you." Chloe took a sip of her champagne.

"Oh god, I'm back in high school again." You sighed stealing her drink and gulping it back.
"You could have asked for one," Chloe mumbled. "We have to do something... I've tried everything to get him to confess to you but he's as stubborn as the devil."

You scoff.

"As much as you don't believe it, he is the devil." You rolled your eyes.

"Anyway, point being, I've gone as far as telling him that you've been flirting with this guy you like, and he just gets angry and depressed... it's kind of pathetic for him." Chloe admitted.

"That's just plain manipulative." You stated plainly. "But... I think you're on the right track." You nodded.

"I think we need to take a more physical approach to it though." Chloe poured another drink for the two of you. You pondered her thought for a moment before a light bulb flickered on in your head.

"Amenidiel... he's the key to this." You jumped up from your seat, dialing his number in your phone. "Amenidiel, hi. I need your help with something..." You smirked mischievously knowing he could probably sense it in your tone.

2 hours later.

"So, you're sure this plan is going to work?" Amenidiel eyed your nervous expression.

"It's simple. You and me chat by the bar, I 'consume' copious amounts of alcohol, we flirt a little, we touch a little, we go to kiss and if it works our lips will never meet." You smirked looking between him and Chloe.

"As Jean De Boufflers said, Jealousy is the sister of love, as the devil is the brother of angels." Chloe licked her lips, walking out of the elevator.

"Are you ready cutie?" You laughed winking at Amenidiel.

"Only if you are darling." He offers his arm, which you take, walking into Lux as if you were the king and queen. Three particular pairs of eyes watching you. Chloe's, Maze's and your target, Lucifer.

You and Amenidiel sat at the bar, a drink sliding to the both of you, Maze sending you a knowing smirk. You threw back your drink, taking another from Maze and doing the same.

"Now I'm going to do this." You say before sending out a fake laugh and placing your hand on Amenidiel's knee. "Now you smile." He does as he's told.

"I'll slide my hand up a little higher." You said making it look like you're chatting like normal.

"I'll twirl a strand of your hair around my finger." He smirked.
"That's it boy." You encourage him, leaning closer before laughing and leaning into his chest, your unoccupied hand lying against his chest.

"Shall we dance?" Amenidiel whispers with a smile.
"Brilliance." You lick your lips, taking the tequila shots that had "Magically" appeared on the bar before you.

You dragged him out onto the dance floor pulling out your moves that almost replicated a strippers. Your short black dress barely hiding your most beloved womanly features.

"This is about to get insanely uncomfortable." You yelled over the music turning around and grinding your butt against him before whipping around and pushing him up against the closer wall. You slid your hands up his torso, just containing your laughter as he hesitantly held your hips.

You lean up hovering your lips over his, barely able to contain your smirk as you were harshly pulled away from Amenidiel and slammed against a wall yourself.

Your eyes instantly met Lucifer's dark brown ones, the flames of hell itself alight in them. You smiled widely as he pressed his lips against yours, pinning your arms above your head.

The release in your chest as your emotions ran wild could only be described as euphoric. He lay a few light kisses along your jaw before pulling lightly at your earring.

"Mine." A deep growl escaped his throat.

"You're insane." You whispered.

"You." He kisses your neck. "Are." Moving a little closer to your sweet spot. "All." He hits it causing you to hold in a moan. "Mine." He sucks on it slightly.

"Luci..." You pushed him lightly.

"How dare you trick the devil." He hummed in your ear.
"You're too easy." You tease him ignoring the fact that Chloe and Amenidiel were still watching.
"I'm weak." He sighed placing his head on your shoulder.
"That's because you're in love." You tilted his head up to face you.
"That I am." Lucifer whispers looking away from her eyes again.

"As am I." You smirked. "Among other things you are now pronounced a thief."
"Oh, don't say it..." He chuckled shaking his head knowing exactly where you were going with it.

"You've stolen my heart." You laugh as he rolled his eyes trying not to give you the satisfaction of a laugh.

"I guess we're officially partners in crime." He smiled, your lips connecting again. 

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