One or the Other

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"You wait until I get my bloody hands on you!" Lucifer thunders.

"Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer...." A crackling voice invades the room. "Once you've made your choice... I'll be long gone."
"There is an extremely special place in hell for you!" Lucifer slams his hand to the table.
"Your choice is simple Lucifer... you either chose Y/N or Chloe... one of them dies... one of them gets sawed in half... you just have to choose who." The voice laughed.

You hung tied to a wall, staring at Lucifer through the glass window as he looked between you and Chloe, trying to decide which one of you was going to be the one to be cut in half by the large saw set up on a track in front of you.

"You can't make me do this! I can't do it!" Lucifer lets a tears stream down his cheek as he pulls at his hair.

"You've been indecisive for long enough Luci Goose... you love them both, but you can only be committed to one."

"Stop! Stop! I can't! They can't die!" Lucifer falls to the ground gasping for breath through his sobs.

"You have 10 seconds Lucifer, or I'll choose for you." The voice booms "10."
"I-I-I... Y-Y-Y/N, Chloe has Trixie to look after... she has to go back home to Trixie..."
"Lucifer!" You scream. "God..." You stop yourself from panicking, Trixie popping up in your head, her cheeks, and missing teeth. "Just do it... do it!" You scream.
"No! Lucifer don't!" Chloe shrieks. "You don't have to make a choice."
"But he already has Chloe... he's chosen me... and he's right." You argue.
"I-I-I... why are you doing this?"
"Because Lucifer... I can." The voice rasps. "6."
"Goddammit!" Lucifer slams his hand down on your button watching regretfully as the saw begins moving toward your stretched body, your guts about to be spilled across the walls.
"Jesus... Jesus Christ!" You swear as it comes centimetres from your skin. It comes to a stop, the saw still spinning but not breaking through your skin.

"Any last words Miss Y/L/N?" The voice cracks through the speakers. "Or perhaps Lucifer would like to say something?"

Lucifer crumpled in an incomprehensible heap on the floor, you just choked on your sob.
"Chloe... tell Trix I love her and I'm always with her..." You took in a deep stuttered breath. "Lucifer... I love you... so much... it's okay... you'll be okay." Your lip quakes as you nod, knowing that whatever figure was doing this could see you.

The saw continues on its warpath, finally cutting deeply into your skin. Your screams of horror could've gotten you mistaken for a banshee.

Your breath ran short as your body stopped working, the only sound in your ears being Lucifer's and Chloe's cries as they watch you being torn to shreds. Your head hangs as you lose consciousness, now completely cut in half.

With what felt like seconds, you opened your eyes to find yourself walking along a white plain, a dress flowing around your body, made of the lightest white material, one of which silhouetted your figure perfectly.

You smiled not caring where you were as long as you couldn't feel the pain anymore.

"It's time..."

You spun around looking for the source of the voice, hoping to whatever lord there was that the voice wasn't back.
"I'm right here..." You turned to find a man with stunning blue eyes as sandy brown hair.

'It's time for what... I'm barely been here a minute." You pout.

"You've been here forever honey..." He tips your chin up. "You just don't remember because you're soul has been in hibernation... but now.... you're here... and you have an appointment with someone important... are you ready?"

You were confused, to say the least, but you couldn't be bothered arguing with the man, too curious for it to really matter what was going on. He smiles as you nod, walking away from you before turning over his shoulder...

"It's good to have you back..." He smirks sending you a wink before you blinked again, this time, standing in front of a dark grey door, the name and title of the man you loved most, scrawled across the door.

But it couldn't be real, you were dead...

But it was and you were about to walk in.

I hope everyone is having a great day! Are we wanting a part 2 to this? Or do I leave it up to the imagination?

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