Bound (P.t 2)

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"Bloody hell!" You scream as the bullet flies straight through your shoulder. You had worked with the mere seconds you had before the bullet could penetrate the bad guys head, killing both him and Lucifer. You pushed off the hooded figures shoulders, boosting yourself into the air and taking the impact. "Oh, that's just great." You touch your hand to your shoulder as you fall to the ground.

Lucifer rushed forth, ignoring his own injuries as he checked you over. You moved passed him, pinning the hooded figure to the ground and pulling away their hood. You stared down at what turned out to be a her. Eyes matching yours down to the swirling mix of colors.

You were her and she was you, you had been born together, you had spent your lives together.
"Y/S/N" You mumbled, and she smirked up at you, blood dripping from her mouth.
"Hey sis." She snickered.

"W-w-what?" You stutter. "What are you doing?" You start breaking down, watching the sickness spread in her eyes.
"Finishing off the only thing that has ever stopped me from being truly special, truly unique..." She giggles. "You can't get far in life when you have someone who is exactly the same as you."

Your voice breaks as you let out a yell, confusion overwhelming your system. Mindlessly you the knife from your sisters' hand and hold it above your head.

"Don't do it Y/N." One of the cops' shout. "Put the knife down or we'll shoot."
"She's going to kill me." You sob.

"Y/N this isn't a good idea, we will take care of her." Another one instructs.

You could practically here the sound of pressure being put on the trigger, ready to shoot you once you lay the final blow. You let out another scream about to put the knife through her chest when Lucifer took charge, pulling you away from her.

He took the knife from your hand, piercing it straight through his chest before your sister could sit upright with and shot you with the gun in her pocket. Your sister gasps, more blood spilling from her mouth as she chokes on it.

"Lucifer!" You screamed

With Lucifer now disabled, he was unable to do anything when your sister persisted, using the last of her strength to pull the gun from her pocket and pull the trigger without hesitation. Bullet wounds riddled your body. The cops completely unable to do anything about it as it all happened in the matter of seconds.

You lay sprawled across the floor, Lucifer's head resting against your hand and your sister meters away from your feet, your blood mixing together as it pools, everyone shocked by the outcome of this situation.

It wasn't the way things were supposed to end, there was always supposed to be a happily ever after... and everyone hurt knowing that none of your found it... or at least not that they knew of.

You knew it wasn't going to end happily, you had only wanted to try and save Lucifer if not anyone else but something told you it was going to be the end of everyone you knew.

You, your sister and Lucifer.

All Lifeless.

And all going to hell.

Two of you as rulers who found chemistry to build upon in the darkest of moments and one as a soul forever punished for their sins.

Hey, hope you enjoyed, sorry it's shorter. Perhaps another update tomorrow???

Thank you so much for your ever growing support!!! And thank you so much for 9k reads! Never thought I'd come so far on here!

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