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Drink after drink after drink. This was the pattern you followed all night. The bartender wasn't going to argue with you when you looked as cute as you did, so she just continued to give you drinks when you asked. 

You danced into the early hours of the morning, random guys grinding against you but none of them really doing it as more than a dance move. Eventually, as you reached early hours of the morning one particular guy seemed to stick to your side. 

You hadn't a clue who he was or how you had ended up with your arm slung over his shoulder as he guided you to some unknown place but you didn't have enough strength in you to fight. The two of you were mere metres away from the elevator, the guy now getting quite handsy. 

You tried to call for help now knowing exactly what this guy wanted with you but noone was sober enough to listen. 

He pressed the elevator button just about successful at whisking you away when the doors opened, revealing a sauve man with a devilish smirk. Mr Morningstar, the owner of the club you were in, Lux. 

"Help..." You mumbled taking your chances. 
"Is she okay?" And even in your drunk state his British accent surprised you. 
"Yeah, just fine, trying to get her out of here." The guy tries to move past Lucifer to no avail. 

"Really? Cause she doesn't seem to know you..." Lucifer's voice grew deeper. 

"Man, just let us past, she's obviously had too many drinks." 

"I understand you need as a male but there's no way that's happening." You could have been imaging it but you could have sworn Lucifer's eyes flashed red for a second. 

"Y-yes sir." The man cowered, letting you fall as he ran into the elevator. 

Lucifer catches you, pulling you upright before lifitng you bridal style, your eyes slowly fluttering closed as he walks up the stairs and up into his pent house. You whisper one final thing to him before passing out completely. 

"Thank you..." 

When you wake up the next morning, you're back at your house, with blood splattered over you, your hands and feet tied together and your best friend lifeless on the ground. You started to think perhaps Lucifer saving you wasn't the best thing after all...

To be continued...

Sorry it's late and short! I am on holidays and then the wifi wasn't working... but anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoy and I'm looking forward to updating again so. 


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