When You Taught Me How To Dance

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"So... are you?"
Owen turned from examining the dead Nostrovite to see Sam leaning on the rails around the autopsy bay.
"Do what?" Owen asked.
"Dance with Tosh. I heard you two joking about it."
"Well that's all it was. Joking."
"Aw c'mon. She wants to dance with you, Owen!"
"Yeah right."
"Of course she does!"
"Well it doesn't matter because I'm not doing it."
Sam didn't say anything more and at first Owen thought she had left, but when he turned around again she was still there, staring at him with a quizzical expression.
"What?" He asked sharply, "have I got something on my face?"
"No," Sam laughed, "I'm just wondering if you even know how to dance."
"Of course I know." Owen muttered, averting his eyes so he didn't see Sam's sceptical eyebrow raise - even though he could practically hear it.
"Oh my God," Sam chuckled, "you don't know how to dance. You don't know how to dance!"
"I didn't sat that!" Owen exclaimed.
"You didn't have to! I can tell by your face and your posture!"
"Shut up."
Sam was silent for a while again.
"Do you want me to teach you?" She asked finally in a soft voice.
"You're not serious." Owen said flatly, glaring at her.
"C'mon, Tosh isn't here, so she'll never know!" Sam encouraged.
"Jack and Ianto are still here." Owen pointed out.
"Do you really think they're gonna say anything? They're in Jack's office looking at pictures of maternity wedding dresses and giggling like little girls."
Owen surprised himself by laughing at that, then forced a frown as Sam grinned.
"So, are you gonna let me teach you?" She asked, "or are ya chicken?"
"I'm not chicken." Owen grumbled.
"Then c'mon. Let's dance." Sam murmured. She held out her hand to him, standing at the top of the stairs. Owen sighed, rolling his eyes. He didn't know why he was doing this.
In the main part of the hub, Sam pushed the coffee table off to the side to clear a space, then stood in the middle of that space. Owen joined her, dragging his feet.
"What do I do?" He sighed.
"Put your right hand on my shoulder," Sam murmured, "and your left hand on my elbow. Right, you got it." Owen tensed as Sam put her left hand on his shoulder and her right hand curled around his side right above his hip. Sam seemed to sense this and moved her hand a bit higher so it wasn't quite so intimate. "Now, copy my movements. I'll step back and you step forwards. Good. Now bring the other foot forward. Good. Now step to the side, bring your other foot over, step back, other foot back, to the side, other foot over - you're doing great, Owen! Now put your hips into it a little. Loosen up. You got it!"
Sam started humming as they swayed together. Owen actually started to relax and hesitantly rested his chin on her opposite shoulder.
"Now spin," Sam murmured, stepping away to twirl him around, "now spin out, back in," Owen felt himself tense again as Sam gently pulled him into her so his back was resting against her chest, her arms wrapped around his torso. "And, the dip." Sam said, then leaned Owen back before he could think, left hand on the small of his back and the fingers of her right hand intertwined with those of his left. They stayed like that for a moment, Owen feeling his face getting redder and redder, before Sam smirked and pulled him back up.
"Do that to Tosh and she'll be swept off her feet," she said, "- literally! Ha!"
"Right." Owen muttered, wishing his face didn't feel so hot. He knew Sam could see him blushing and it was just feeding her ego. She was just as cocky as Jack Bloody Harkness, a trait that apparently ran in the family.
"You okay?" Sam asked with a laugh.
"Thank you." Owen said quickly.
"You're welcome." Sam murmured with a much less sarcastic smile as she started to blush too. "Uhh... I promised Jay I'd help him get the kids ready. Tell Jack I left."
"Alright." Owen murmured awkwardly, "... see you at the wedding."
"Not if I see you first." Sam laughed, snapping her fingers and pointing at him. "I dunno." She added when Owen didn't react. Owen watched her leave with a small smile growing on his face.

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