Chapter 15 ~Encountering Him Once More~

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I screamed in frustration as I pulled my long grayish white hair, which is already messy.

"Aaaargh!! I can't freakin' take this anymore! I'm so freaking bored!! I wanna' freakin' kill somebody, and freakin' play with their freaking internal organs, and freakin' paint freaky words on the freaking wall with their freaking blood!!"

"What a mouth....." I heard Sasuke say, and I just creepily looked at him. Remind me to kill this boy once I'm fully healed.

"I'm so boooooored!!"

"I'm so booooored!!

"I need to do something!"

"I can't take this!!"

"I'm dying!!!"

"Boredom's killing meee!!"

"Someone help meeee!"

"Shut up, will you?! I can't stand your annoying voice!" Sasuke blurted out while glaring at me, causing me to glare hatefully back at him. We have a deal, and I'll kill him once this stupid deal's done.

"Well, entertain me! Or else I'll kill people again!!"

"We both know that you can't do that without any weapon." He said proudly, making my eye twitch. It immediately looked around the room, and it landed on a pair of shiny large scissors on the wooden table beside me. Maybe they used that to..... Cut something.... In my body.... Or something connected to my body.... Or whatever.

Sasuke's busy staring out the window, his back facing me. Him doing that makes it very easy for me to do what I want. Slowly, I reached out for the scissors, but before I can even touch it, a hand took it already.

I looked up, and saw the same boy. I frowned once more, and glared at him.

"I knew you would get this." After he said those words, he sat back down, and look at the window again.

I painfully removed the thing injected in the back of my left hand, and quietly moved my legs. Believe me or believe me, but my body still hurts. The lashes and wounds from my chest down to my legs hurt like hell. Even though they are already bandaged, and a bit cured, I can still feel a bit of pain.

My feet and the cold floor met with no sound, and I carefully removed the blanket on my thighs. By the way, my hospital gown's clean again because one of the nurses changed it awhile ago.... After the scene.

I slowly but painfully stood up, gritting my teeth. It hurts. Seriously.

Walking quietly towards the door, I reached my hand out to grab the doorknob, and make a run for it, when a voice destroyed the peaceful silence, making me freeze.

"Where do you think you're going?"


I held my bandaged chest as I ran towards the exit of the hospital. I heard footsteps behind me while doing this, so it must be Sasuke chasing me. I increased my speed, and.... There it is!! I'm outta' here!

"Out of my way!!"

"Ow! Watch it!!"

"Hey!! Look where you're going!"

"Oh! Hi Sasuke-kun!!"

I abruptly stopped, causing something.... Or probably someone... Collide with my back, and we ended up crashing on the ground.

Standing up, I pointed a finger at the boy with hilarious make-up and weird cat costume, then, started laughing my head off. Can't help it. My eyes caught his freaky figure.

"Pfft.... Hahahahahhahaha!! W-What's that—Hahahahahaha!!!! Are you a clown?! Bwahahaahhahaha!! Ju-Just look at you.. Hahhahaha!!!" I held my stomach, and continued to laugh while the others just stared at me weirdly. He is.... He is so...... FUNNY!! Hahahahhaha!!

"WHAT?!" The cat dude yelled as an irk mark appeared on his forehead. Then, he pulled the mummy-like thingy behind him, and pushed the kid he was holding by the scarf awhile ago away. Now, he's showing me his doll! Hahahhaahha!!

"You're gonna' use Crow for this?!" The girl beside him asked, more like yelled, in disbelief, and I just continued to laugh.

"Y-You?! How did you get out of the hospital?!" The blond kid asked, and when my laughter died, I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I managed to escape. Pretty cool, huh? Oh 'bout that..... Gotta' go!" I exclaimed, and was about to run away again when Sasuke, who already stood up awhile ago, held the back of my...... Ermm hospital gown, stopping me.

"As if I'll let you run away again."

I hatefully glared at him, and was about to dig my nails deep into his wrist again, which are now both bandaged, when someone spoke.

"You're such a disgrace to our village."

Turning around, I saw the same boy from before. The one who saw me kill a couple. The one who I attacked with no avail. The one who I can't land a blow on. The one who attacked me back, and nearly killed me. It's the sand freak. Just by thinking of this makes my blood boil. He'll pay for what he did to me. He'll pay for underestimating my skills, and embarrassing me! Oh wait.... I just hate him 'cause I can't even wound him, but oh well. I'll still kill him one day. Or..... Maybe now.

"G-Gaara..! Y-You see, they s-started it!" The cat dude stuttered, obviously scared out of his wits. I switched my gaze to the boy, who is now standing upside down on a branch of a tree. Is he that strong? Is everyone afraid of him? He's just a show-off anyway!

"Shut up or I'll kill you." The coldness in his voice. It was low and dull compared to my high and cheerful one. Cheerful 'cause I'm excited to kill! Hahahaha!!

The cat dude zipped his mouth close as beads of sweat trickled down his face. What a scaredy cat. Looking back at the sand freak, wait.... He's gone. Ohh, there he is. A swirl of sand appeared in front of the two, and immediately vanished afterwards, revealing the boy. The sand's the only one making him powerful. Jerk.

"Sorry for the trouble he caused." He said without any emotion, and I just yanked Sasuke's hold from the back of my clothing, he's still holding it, so yeah, which startled him.

"I'm not done with you...."

The three who were currently walking, abruptly stopped, and looked at me. The one giving me an emotionless look was the sand freak. I just gave him a hard and cold glare. If only glares could kill...... If only.

"You're planning to fight me again?" As soon as those words left his mouth, gasps followed, and filled my ears.

"You know him?"

"You know her, Gaara?"

"Can't you just accept the fact that you can't beat me? Both of us know that, you're just pushing it to the very back of your brain, forcing yourself to believe that it isn't real."

I gritted my teeth as my fists shook in rage. Is he offending me on purpose so that I'll get mad at him, and lose control? I don't give a damn to what he's planning though. I'll just kill him, and that would be the end.

"Let's go. Ignore her."

I took a knife from Sasuke's pouch in a split second, which alarmed him, and ran towards the sand freak in an incredible speed. The same thing happened. The sand of his blocked my attack. No matter how fast I am. It will automatically block any attacks even without him ordering it. He looked back at me, and gave me one emotionless stare again. That stupid look pisses me off so much!

"I told you—"

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled, and attacked him multiple times, only to get blocked by his stupid sand. He just stared at me without moving a muscle like he's a person who's so bored out of his mind, and he'll just die like that.

"Hey! Get back in here! What do you think you're doing!!?"

"Sasuke, stop her!"


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