Chapter 22 ~I Hate The Color Pink And Dogs~

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Ino girl's currently patching my wounds up, the wounds on my stomach and arm to be accurate. We're currently behind the others, so that she can bandage my wounds properly without them seeing me. My black cloak's on my shoulders, I'm not really wearing it, it's just covering my half-naked upper body, just to make sure. Anyway, the blonde girl finished, and I remained silent, hugging my knees, and my back facing the others. This day is tiring. Ugh. If only I got my knife.... Killing those three would be a lot easier.

"There! All done!"

*silence* I will never thank her for this. I didn't ask for it in the first place.

Yeah. The fight's already over, the game, in other words. I was watching the whole time because I couldn't move very well. Who would be able to move with stabs and still-not-yet-fully-healed wound on the stomach, a deep wound on the arm, an injured eardrum, a drunk feeling, and some bruises on the neck? Anyway, remember the rolling pig? Yeah, him. He jumped in the air as a rotating ball because this Zaku guy used the Air Cutter Technique on him, and when the old geezer was about to save his friend's bloody butt, he was stopped by this Shika guy via connecting his shadow to his. That's his technique. He can control his opponent's movement by just attaching his shadow to that particular person. Let's go back to that Zaku guy, well, let's say that he just dodged and dodged the ball. While doing so, the stupid blonde girl used some kind of weird technique, and woosh! She was inside that Kin girl's body! Not literally though. It was like.... Her mind went there in a flash. The stupid blonde girl was unconscious, her body, I mean. She could control that Kin girl. She threatened the Zaku guy, and the old geezer, but it wasn't that effective, Zaku dude even attacked her. What a scum. Anyway, two people appeared from nowhere again! It was a weird long-haired dude with a girl with two buns on her head. They just stood there on the branch though. Asking why? It was just Sasuke! He went crazy, even though he already is, and killed people. Just kidding. He woke up being a show-off with stupid violet weird aura-like thing or maybe chakra thing, but violet stuff, and yeah. Sasuke also got some weird markings on his face and arm. Then, he said nonsense things like him being an avenger, and stuffs like that. I was just like..... Eat your tongue, and kill them already! I mean, duh! He wasted time standing there like an idiot! Is he a model?! Obviously, while he was there saying his speech, I realized that he's oh-so-obsessed with having powers. Ugh. Anyway, Sasuke asked who did these, wounds and cuts probably, to us, me and Sakura maybe, and since that stupid idiot got a big ego, he told him that he did it, which is kind of true. Then, Zaku guy attacked him with Maximum Air Cutter, and before I even know it, I was scooped up by Sasuke, along with Sakura and Naruto, and we managed to avoid the strong wind. After that, Sasuke attacked him with flaming shurikens, and immediately dashed towards the idiot, held his arms behind him, and stepped on his back. He obviously got crazy, and broke the idiot's arms, which made me smirk. My smirk was replaced by a wide frown when Sakura hugged Sasuke from behind, stopping the said guy because he was about to charge towards the old geezer. The markings slowly went back to its original spot, in the small mark on his neck, and ever since Sakura hugged him, my pissed off face never got replaced, and my eyes didn't leave her alone. Until now, I'm soooo pissed off, but nevermind. Back to my story, this old geezer left the scroll, and made a deal. He told us to leave them for that time in exchange for their scroll. In my mind, I wanted to shred them to pieces, and feed them to my pet shark because they did these to me. All these wounds and cuts!! If only I could stand up.... If only!

"Eh? Why are you staring at Sakura? Do you like her haircut? Do you want me to do it to you as well?" This blonde girl asked, and I glared at her. She's fixing Sakura's hair at the very moment because it's obviously messed up. Her fault for being so dumb, and not cutting the girl's wrist instead. Who would want to have that kind of haircut anyway? I don't want my hair cut short!

"Yes, after I make a curry out of you." I said, and her hair just stood up, obviously creeped out by me.

"Wow. One way to thank the one who nursed you back to health." The boy with spiky tied-up hair and dot-like eyes said. He's Shikamaru, that's what I learned a few minutes ago, thanks to their non-stop blabbering.

"I didn't even ask her to help me. It's her fault for being all kind and goody-goody." I said, and glared at Sakura again. Shikamaru just sweatdropped.

"You're welcome." Ino, the blonde girl I hate, said.

"Are you being sarcastic to me?"

"Not really." Remind me to glare at this girl after Sakura dies, thanks to my non-stop death glare. I don't know why I'm so pissed off after seeing her hugging Sasuke. Maybe because Sasuke's my victim? I tried to kill him, but I couldn't, so what does that make him to me? Nah. What I know is.... I don't want other people stealing what's mine. Wait, that sounds wrong. Other term, victims. There, a bit..... Fine.

On the other hand, Naruto already woke up, not so long ago to be exact. Before he did though, he blabbered about protecting Sakura-chan. Crazy, right? That's what you get for sleeping during a fight, or game, and missing it completely. Also, when he woke up, just because fat guy hit him with a wood on the head, he did some weird things like ducking, and asking where he, probably the pedo snake, is.

How about Sasuke? He kept on staring in space. That's the effect of being a show-off, and getting hugged by a girl with pink hair from behind.... *glares*

"I'll find food."

With those few words, I stood up, and started to walk.

"Where do you think you're going? It's dangerous to separate from your team, and go by yourself, especially in your condition." I heard someone say, and recognized it to be Sasuke. Wow. I was not expecting any words from him after that freaky show he did.

"I don't give a freaking damn."

"I'll go with you then."

"No." Before he could even move a muscle, I already dashed off, and when they were out of my sight, I slowed down a bit, and sighed. I hate to be around people I hate. Gets. Good thing, I decided to cool myself off for a little while by having a walk around, or else Sakura might melt from my glare.

"I really don't know what've gotten into me. Why am I so upset about her? I mean, she just hugged him. Remove the just word. She hugged him. Aargh! Stupid brain!"

*dog noises* Was that a dog?

I know that I heard a dog whimper.... But what the hell is a dog doing in here? Walking further, and following the sound, I saw a team, two boys, and a girl, hiding behind the bushes.

(A/N: I know that this is late and all, but I want her to see him)

My stupidity kicked in, and I walked towards them without a care in the world. Then, I quietly took out my scissors. Hey! I forgot to tell you that before I left the others, I zipped my cloak up close, and wore my mask, along with my hood. There, I said it. Anyway, I was about to attack them when a dog, only its head to be exact, poked out of the fur boy's furry jacket thing, obviously destroying my moment. The dog growled at me, and the three got alarmed. That blew my cover up. How cool. YOU FREAKING DOG! YOU'RE IN MY TO-KILL LIST!!

"Who are you, and what's your purpose?" The boy with dog said while pointing a kunai knife at me.

"I'm here to kill you three."

The girl freaked out, but I didn't move. I was about to charge again when my eyes caught something red. Looking up, and passed the bushes, I saw him.

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