Chapter 4 ~And Now It Begins~

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It's already midnight. Time to do my business. Everybody's asleep right now, so it won't be difficult. Oh..... Except for those ninjas roaming around the place.

I jumped down from the branch, and went inside the village. I continued to walk until I saw a beam of light, causing me to hide behind a random.... Box. That light came from the flashlights being held by those ninjas. When a group of ninjas passed in front of me, I ducked. Peeking up, I saw them walking away.

"This would be easy....."

I walked towards them, and since all of them are busy talking to each other, they didn't notice me get near them.

"I'm sleepy....."

"Yeah, me, too."

"Let's just take one more walk around the village, and let's rest after that."

"That sounds good."

I deepened the knife in the ninja's neck until it went through it, and out in the front. Blood poured out, and I just smirked. One down...... Three more to go....

"What do you think about the killer? You know, the one that killed a chunin yesterday....?"

"Oh..... Well, I think that person's skilled. I mean, how could she kill a chunin without even starting a fight?"

"Yeah. You're right."

Two more to go..... I gently placed the heavy body on the ground, and followed the two. I picked up a stone, and threw it at the trash can in the distance. It hit it, causing it to fall down, and make a loud noise.

"What was that?" The ninja asked, and looked at it, pointing the flashlight at it as well.

"Maybe a cat...." Said the other one. I then, stabbed the last one who spoke in the neck, doing the same thing I did to the others awhile ago.

"Hey.... Let's check it out."

"Nope." I said, and immediately pierced my knife in his head, instantly killing him. That was a piece of cake. I strike whenever they speak because they won't hear my knife tearing their friends' flesh that way.

"I could have some fun...." I said with a smirk, and pulled the body towards the other corpses. When they are lying next to each other, I stabbed each of their chests to make sure that they're dead, and slit their stomachs open. Doing that was a bit hard because of their vest thingy, but oh well. I still managed to.

Anyway, I removed their internal organs using my knife, and scattered it around them. Then, I grinned at my work.

"Now, that's art, right, Mom?" I didn't wait for an answer, and just went on ahead, leaving the bodies there because I can't stand the smell anymore. It smells as horrible as them.

"Now, who's next?" I asked myself while wiping the blood off my face. I'll go for the kill, and eat later.

"Maybe a family? Yeah. The one with ninjas in it."

I looked around, and decided to go to a random house.

"That looks good." I said while walking towards a green one. I climbed up, and smashed the window open. It's in the second floor of the house.

"What the?" I heard a feminine voice say as I got inside the place. Oh.... Would you look at that. I'm here inside a room of a girl! She turned the lights on, and was about to scream when I covered her mouth. I'm just fast like that. I then, grinned at her, and stabbed her on the chest afterwards. Blood poured down her body as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

I pulled, and leaned her on the wall. I stabbed her several times, and used her blood to write You're next! on the wall. Her parents would definitely freak out! Hahahaha!!

Making it more beautiful, I did the same thing I did to the ninjas. There, she has her organs resting around her.

I walked, and stood behind the door after I destroyed several things. I did that just to get the attention of whoever's in this house with her.

The door opened, and....

"What's going on here- OH MY GOSH!!" The mother screamed, and I heard heavy footsteps getting closer. That must be her father.

"What happened? Yuka..? YUKA!! WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?! WHO DID THIS?!?!!"

"Me." I said, scaring the life out of them.

"And you two are next."

Naruto's POV


"What?" I rubbed my face as I sat up. What was that? I heard someone screaming. Wait.... Oh no! Don't tell me she's here..!!?

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