Chapter 14 ~With Him Again~

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Sasuke's POV

I remained staring at her peaceful face, and before I even know it, a smile crawled up my face, and replaced my frown.

Everything about her makes sense. She's just like me. Her family had been murdered, and what's worse, it all happened during her birthday, and right in front of her eyes. Her brother was killed brutally. So as her parents. That's why, she's doing this. I completely understand her now. She just wanted to avenge her family by killing..... All of us.... Ninjas. I won't let that happen, of course, and I would explain it to her later when she wakes up.

It doesn't mean that.... When ninjas kill your family, all of the ninjas are like that already. No. Those who killed her family must be rogue.

Good thing, she told me all.

It's my mission to squeeze out every single detail from her. Yeah. I can't do anything about it because Kakashi-sensei commanded me to do this. I know that it's not a good thing, but it's not like I have any other choice.


Kakashi-sensei and Hokage-sama looked at me after they talked about something. Then, I gave them a why-are-you-two-staring-at-me-that-way look. Kakashi-sensei has a serious face on as he walked towards me. Hokage-sama already told my teammates to leave, so yeah. I'm the only one in here, along with the two of them.

"Sasuke, I'll give you a mission. It's a bit risky, but I know that you can handle it." Just go straight to the point.

"What is it?"

"I need you to get her trust. You must make her tell you everything about her. As you saw before, Ibiki couldn't make her tell him even her name, and I think you could."

"How could you say that?"

"You're the very first one she encountered, and fought with the same age as her, and because of that, it would be easy for you to earn her trust. It's in a teenager's blood." I seriously don't get it. How come I have the ability to earn her trust when I was just the first one she met with the same age as her? It doesn't make any sense at all. Just because I'm the first one she met, and fought in her age, I could already earn her trust? What the....

"I'll try."

"Good. You have to do this. Everyone's life's in your hand, Sasuke. Don't fail."

-Flashback Ends-

I looked at the window, and back at her once more. Can I do this mission? I mean, I already made her tell me what happened to her in the past. So, can I get her complete trust? Can I?

She moved a bit, and that startled me. She's currently wearing a hospital gown, or whatever you call it, because her black shirt, and shorts were badly torn during the so-called interrogation. She got deep wounds, and slices from it. It's the least I expected. I never knew that the Ibiki guy would have the guts to do this to a young girl like her.

"Stop staring."

I blinked, and noticed that she's already in a sitting position, looking straightly at me.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." She said in a low tone, and looked at the window. Then, silence engulfed us. I can't help it. I keep on staring at her. Her beautiful bright leafy-green eyes are very attracting. Those wide and round eyes are much brighter than Sakura's green ones. But.... Even though her eyes are bright, they look dead, lifeless, blank, and soulless. They're like the bright eyes of a doll, but they have no life in it. She would be more beautiful if.....

"Where are my clothes and weapons?" She asked seriously, and I glanced at her.


I looked at this Sasuke guy, or whatever his name is, and glared. I can't believe that I told him what happened. I hope it's just a dream, but what if it's not? Argh. Why did I give in anyway? Why do I always give in when people are being nice to me or even just pretending to be nice?!

"I asked you a question. Answer me." I said firmly, and he just released a long sigh, making my face harden. I swear that moment won't happen again!

"I have no idea."

I gritted my teeth as my fists trembled in rage. My head's spinning. I don't know what to do. I just want to get out of here!! And no one's going to stop me from doing it.

"Give it back."

"I don't know where it is-"

I pulled the thing that was injected in the back of my hand, alarming the guy I'm with right now. It's not like I give a damn. He yelled at me, and pushed me back down on the bed when I was about to stand up, and run. And to tell you the truth, my freaking body's in pain at this very moment.

"Stop this!"

"You can't order me around." I simply said back, holding his wrists tightly, which are near my face 'cause he has a good tight grip on my shoulders to stop me from moving. I dug my nails deep into his skin, making him bite his lower lip, but didn't free me. He remained in his position, which is on top of me. I smirked as blood trickled down his hands. I still got my nails in his flesh, and it's already wounded. He's strong if you ask me.

"Does it hurt?"

"No." He said firmly, but it's quite obvious that he's feeling the opposite because of his pained expression.

"Just let go, and you'll feel a lot better."

"As if I'll do that." I frowned, but immediately smirked. My clothing's already wet and stained from his blood. The shoulder part of my white hospital gown is already blood red.

Sasuke's POV

I. Must. Not. Let. Her. Go. No. Matter. What. Happens!!!

I bit my lower lip to stop the scream from escaping my mouth. It hurts, and my wrists are badly wounded, but I won't let go of her. I must not let her run away.

"Will you please...... Just stop for once......."


My smirk left my mouth, and was replaced by a frown once more. What is he saying? Stop killing people? Is that it? Well, I won't stop! I will not rest until each and every person's gone! No one can stop me!

"Do you think..... Your family.... Your parents.... Especially..... Your brother.... Do you think that they are happy seeing you do all this?"

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