Chapter 20 ~Another Fight With The Creep~

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"Don't get near me!!"

"Someone's sleeping here! Shut up!!" I yelled, and rolled to my side, that's when I jerked up. My gaze shifted as I looked at my bleeding stomach. The pain instantly removed my sleepiness. This is crazy. I have to help the others, and freaking stop lying, and resting around. Ugh.

What's happening now? I looked at my surroundings, and saw an incredibly huge snake twirled up in a large tree. It has its head on a branch, and blood is pouring down from its mouth. Poor snake. Wait.... Where are they?

"You can't let your guard down for even a second. Prey need to strain their minds all the time, and run around..... In the presence of a predator." I heard someone say, causing me to look at the direction where the voice came from. Oh look, it's the tongue freak coming out from the broken skin of the snake like a creep. Eew. Just look at those slimy green liquid things all over him. Well, he's a snake himself anyway, so that's natural. About him, where are his wounds and cuts? Did it heal already? That's too fast.

My eyes widened when he dashed towards Sasuke, twirling himself up on a tree in the way. The eyes of the said boy widened as well, and a terrified scream escaped his mouth. Eh? It's the first time for me to see Sasuke scared out of his wits.

I forced myself up, and held my scissors tightly, which I'm still holding. Then, some shurikens, and a kunai knife hit the part of the tree near tongue freak's face as I hurriedly climbed up the tree, launching myself at the creep. He didn't notice this because his attention was on Naruto, the one who threw the weapons, same goes for Sasuke. Wow. They all look so surprised.

"Sorry, Sasuke!"

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled in joy, and I just scowled a bit. I'm here, too, you know.

"I forgot the password." Naruto said with a smirk full of determination.

I was about to stab the tongue freak using my scissors when he gracefully dodged me, causing me to end up hitting the wood. He's a snake anyway, so I expected that. Not using this chakra thing is a blast. My enemies don't sense me coming at all. This must be the reason why Dad locked, and sealed it up.


"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Stay put. I'm sealing your chakra." Dad said while writing some weird marks on the back of my neck. It tickles! Hahaaha!!

Anyway, Dad continued doing this, removing some of my white hair strands that get in the way, and when he was all done, he did a few things with his hands. Handsigns, perhaps?

"Dad, what is chakra, and why do you need to seal it up?"

"Chakra is like a different kind of energy in your body. I really can't explain it well because back when I was still in the Academy, I don't listen to my teachers. Hahahaha.... Good times. Anyway, I'm sealing this up because I want you to be a normal person. I don't want you to be like the others who risk their lives fighting. I just want you to live peacefully with your brother. This is not a complete seal though. I don't master it yet that's why I'll not use it. This seal keeps your chakra in place. Whenever you do your daily work or anything, it will still be locked, but when you willingly asked for it though, it will release an enough amount to whatever you have to do. After that, it will be sealed again. You don't need it anyway in your future life. Only skilled people like ninjas use it. Your physical abilities, which you enhance little by little everyday during training, is enough for defense whenever something happens to you. Live a simple and peaceful life like the villagers. Don't go too far, and be a ninja. I won't allow it."

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