Chapter 53 ~The Truth And Emotions~

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Kou's POV

I let out a toothy grin as I admiringly stared at my amazing work. The blood is splattered around and the organs are scattered like a mess of junk.

"I understand now.... My unexplainable bond with Sasuke and the others is what keeps me from doing these things, but now that Sasuke's gone and the others don't give a damn about me anymore, I think that bond is already cut off." I said to particularly no one but myself while wiping the blood off the blades of my scissors using my bloody shirt.

I took out my anger, grief, pain, and other complicated emotions on my work. Those emotions made it more beautiful than ever.

Based on the position of the moon in the sky.... I think it's already around 3 AM.

Six works of beauty in a row.

Let's add more.


"Oh would you look at that.... They're talking about me."

I'm about to exit the village because I'm already bored of it. Besides, I already managed to eat my breakfast. My eyes caught a group of children standing near the village gates, and I immediately recognized them as some freaking acquaintances that I know, except for one..... Naruto.

"What about her? I haven't seen her for a while. Believe it!"

"Hokage-sama didn't just assign me to this mission, she also told me something that had happened late last night, probably right after Sasuke left." The lazy-ass said, and I simply remained standing where I currently am.

"What happened?"

"More than ten houses had its windows broken and more than ten families were murdered."

A smirk crawled up my face. A lazy-ass like him saying such beautiful things with nothing but only a weird face makes me laugh.

"WHAT?!! Kou-chan.... She did that?!" Naruto asked loudly.

"Yes. She's the only one capable of doing that. Besides, the way the people were killed was exactly alike and has a great similarity with what happened to the guards and the other villagers before she was caught a long time ago. The corpses and other remains are taken care of right now. Hokage-sama wants to give me another mission, but she knew that it wouldn't be possible, that's why, she let other ninjas handle Kou instead." The lazy-ass finished, and I snickered a bit. I'm just standing in here yet no one's coming to get me.

I'm actually leaning on the wall near the gates. My bloody self isn't visible because I have a huge brown cloak on. I'm even wearing its hood. I stole this few hours ago, knowing that being bloody naked in the day will only bring me trouble.

"What will happen to her if she gets caught?" The dog freak asked.

"She'll probably be annihilated once and for all."

If I wasn't back to my old self, then I'd probably have the chills right after hearing that..... But hearing that now only made my smirk grow wider.

"We really need to bring Sasuke back as fast and as soon as we can because he's the only one who can stop Kou from doing this! It was him who was assigned for that mission.... He can't just run away from his responsibilities! Believe it!!" Naruto yelled with furrowed eyebrows, and that simply made me raise mine in shock and confusion.

Mission? Responsibilities?

"Kou is my friend.... I don't want her to die!! And Sasuke's the only one who can fix this mess!" He yelled again. I swear I heard the lazy-ass sigh.

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