Chapter 25 ~Just In Time~

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My eye twitched as I stared at the two bastards who did nothing but talk-slash-chat-slash-blabber-slash-aaaaargh!! I'm getting bored! Kabuto guy said something about Sasuke announcing that he'll fight him, and not just do what I did, which was jumping, and attacking him with his guard down. This is seriously boring as hell.

"So here's what I'll do. I'll show you the path you should follow.... But let's go. It's best we get outta' here. The smell of that cooking fire is going to draw every wild beast in the forest, and not only animals, but the competition, too." Acting all cool again! Useless speech, and long-talkie-talkie, and round nerdy glasses won't make you cool at all!!

"Freaks, can't you wait? I still need to fix myself." I said while braiding my hair. Sasuke rolled his eyes, and opened my back pack, took out my cloak, wore the hood on my head, and handed me my mask, which he took from my bag as well.

"Why didn't you do it awhile ago? Ugh. Just wear those, and save the braid for later."

"I don't want my hair to get in the way of fighting."

"Then cut it short."

"Never in a million years."

"Just hurry up."


"Do you think there are still other candidates out here?" Sasuke asked. We are currently jumping from tree to tree, and it's seriously tiring as hell.

"Oh yeah. Just think about it. What do you think is the most efficient way of finding the scrolls in an area as large as this?"

"To go searching through the forest for them?"

"Uh no....?"

"No. You wait for them to come to you. The tower at the center is the goal, right? So, on the last day of the exam, the area will be crawling with teams converging in the tower with their scrolls."

"Oh yeah, I get it! Like an ambush! So we just head for the tower, find a hiding place, and when a team comes along with the earth scroll, we jump on, and *words that I couldn't understand*"

"Man. You all are so boring. I can't take this anymore. Go and plan things yourselves. I'm outta' here." I said, and concentrated.

"What?!" That would be Sasuke. Before he could even do anything though, I already teleported to the place near the tower. It wasn't that difficult because it was just me, unlike when I teleported with Sasuke, but, of course, it still needs a lot of focus and concentration. Anyway, I sat down behind a random tree, and pulled my hood down, removed it from my head, took my ribbon from my now-open back pack, and braided my white hair. When I was done, I wore my hood again, and stood up. I should get an earth scroll. Hey. It's getting dark. Nahh. I better rest for awhile, and just wait for my team to show up. I teleported ahead of them, so it wouldn't be a problem. They'll head this way. I just can't take their blabbering, that's why.


"Well, it's about time! Bring it on!!"

"Woah!!" I exclaimed as I fell on the branch I was lying on awhile ago. What a great way to wake me up from my peaceful slumber.

"Ow! What the fvck?!" I yelled as a kunai knife hit my upper right arm. Roughly pulling this out, I sat up, leaned on the tree, and held my bleeding wound. My fall was a bit bad, and then, it was followed by a freaking stab. Damn. Could this day get any worse?

"That sounds like...."

"Oh shoot!" Naruto said, and they all ran towards me. There's a bush in front of me right now, and they jumped over it to see me.

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