Chapter 21 ~A Fight Again!~

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I opened my eyes, and suddenly felt a stinging sensation in my stomach. My wound.... Jerking up, my eyes scanned my surroundings, and saw the others. Sakura's asleep, but she's sitting there. As for Naruto and Sasuke, well, they're still unconscious. Wow. We're in a some kind of cave made up by the large roots of a gigantic tree. How did Sakura bring us all here?

"Good to see that you're awake. Are you feeling okay? Does your wound hurt?" Someone said, and I looked at the direction where the voice came from, it was Sakura. She's now awake.

"No. I'm fine."

"You should clean your wound, and patch it up with another bandage. It will get infected if you don't remove the old ones." She said while getting the towel, which was hanging on a some kind of small branch awhile ago. Sakura folded it, poured some water on it, folded it again, squeezed the water out, and replaced it with the towel on Sasuke's forehead. Then, she hanged the used one on the branch. About towels, there was one on my forehead, too, minutes ago, and I felt it falling off when I sat up. Picking it up from the ground, I handed it to Sakura.

"Here. Hang it there as well."

After that...... Tss. She's obviously forcing herself not to sleep. Look at her tired face. She must be the one who looked after, and took care us when we were unconscious.

"Go ahead. I'll look out. Sleep."

"But..... You're not well yet, are you?"

"I'm fine. Have a rest." I said, and she smiled at me. Rolling my eyes, I stood up, and walked out of the cave thing. Then, I stretched my arms. Sakura's probably right. I should clean, and bandage my wound again. My hands dug deep inside my bag, and I saw a roll of bandages. This should do it. I went inside the cave again, and started to remove my black cloak, black turtle-neck shirt, and the bandages on my hands. My mask was already gone when I woke up. Sakura probably removed it, so that she could place the towel on my forehead. Anyway, still in my inner clothing, you know what that is, I removed my blood-stained bandages from my stomach, and saw a bloody scar. I took a bottle of water, which was in my bag, and poured some of it on my wound to wash the blood away. When it was all cleaned up, it left a nasty scar. Ignoring that, I bandaged it again, so as my hands. It was a bit difficult though because I had to bandage it around my stomach, but I managed to.

I heard a gasp, making me turn around, and look behind me.

"You okay, Sakura?"

"A-Ah yeah! It was just a dream...... It's dawn already, eh?" She said, and I nodded, wearing my turtle-neck shirt. It has a hole in it, thanks to my wound, but I didn't mind. It's bandaged anyway.

When I was about to wear my cloak, Sakura's gasp rang in the cave again, and I looked back, only to see the bushes moving, and rustling a bit, behind her. She took out a kunai knife, and slowly looked behind her while I'm just like.... It's just a squirrel, you know. I'm here inside the cave, facing its entrance, so I can see it pretty well. Well, Sakura's a bit nearer than it, and has her back facing it.


"Squirrel?" Sakura asked, and her frightened face immediately dropped when she saw the said animal, a pokerface replacing it.

"Told ya'."

"Geez! Don't scare me like that."

I raised my eyebrow when she threw a kunai knife, hitting the ground in front of the running squirrel, causing it to run the opposite way.

"Seriously, Sakura, no need to scare it away. It was running towards here. That squirrel could be our meal, you know. Such a waste...." Sakura just gave me a disgusted/creeped-out face.

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