Chapter 10 ~Returning Back To The Village Once Again~

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My consciousness slowly returned back to me, and I opened my eyes, just for it to adjust itself in the darkness.

"I'm glad you're awake, hm. How are you feeling?"

I nearly jumped out of bed when I heard someone talk. Frantically looking around, my eyes landed on the blond-head. Why does he worry about me anyway? It's not like he's my friend or anything!! Right..? Yeah, right! I don't have any friend, and don't expect anything regarding that because I would rather die than to have a so-called friend. My only friend is my brother, and no one else.

"Where's my knife?" This is the second time I lost it, and I won't let it happen again!! Aargh!

"They hid it." The blondie admitted, and I just glared hatefully at him. Then, I sprang out of bed, and ran out. He gasped, and ran after me.

"Hey! You aren't allowed to go anywhere!!"

Who are you? My mother? Tsk.

"YOU FREA—!! Mnmphnmppnmhh!!" I struggled as blondie covered my mouth, his other arm holding my body. Then, he forcefully dragged me back to the room.

He threw me inside, and slammed the door shut.

"What the heck?! Do you want to get yourself killed?!! Huh?! Can you just use your brain for once, and not just your mouth?! You're crazy!! All of them are already asleep, and you were planning on yelling out there?! Are you nuts?!! Hm?!" I just stared at him, shock, but soon, my stern face returned.

"Don't be so nosey!! What I do is none of your damn business, alright?!"

"Ugh! Don't you get it?! I want you to be safe!! I'm just helping you out because if I don't, you'll definitely die!"

"Nobody asked for your help, so shut your mouth." With that, I ran away again, but this time, I entered a random room, and locked it before he can even capture me, and drag me back inside that nasty room once more.

I leaned against the door, and looked at my surroundings. Where am I? What room is this? It's empty, but it's like someone's staying here. I walked towards the wooden closet, and opened it, just to be greeted by a lot of cloaks with the same red cloud pattern things designed on it. My hands found a simple black coat with hood in the very middle of the clothes. It's just like mine, but this is bigger. I wore it, and rummaged through the drawers.

"There are many clothes, so there's no doubt about it. Someone's staying here." I muttered to myself, and wore the black cloth-or-something mask I found. Now, my eyes are the only ones visible in my face. Actually, my bangs covered it a bit, as well as the hood, so yeah. It's not really that visible.

Now, I just have to find a weapon. I could use that while my knife's still gone.

"What?! Why is this locked?!"

I got startled, but shrugged it off afterwards. I rummaged through the small wooden drawers beside the bed, and found three knife metal things, it's like the ones they're using. Kunai knives....

"Did I accidentally lock it before I left awhile ago?"

My feet brought me in front of the only window in this room. I tried to slide it open, but it's no use. It's so tough! I think it's stuck, and can't be opened. So, no choice.... I destroyed it by blowing a strong punch.

Then, the door started to go crazy.


I jumped out of the window, and landed gracefully on the ground, causing not a single sound to be heard. After that, I started to run into the woods, and away from that place.

"I'm itchin' to see blood everywhere.."

Several hours passed, and now, I'm right here in front of the same village. The village I left days ago. I don't know how or why, but my feet brought me here. Maybe I know the way back..... No. Impossible. I don't even saw myself going to that place where the freaks are. That plant freak brought me there asleep.

"I wonder what time is it...." I climbed a tree, and took a look at the village. I saw many lights, and maybe it's just six or seven in the evening.


A frown crawled up my face as I held my stomach. I'm starving again. When did I last eat?

"I guess, I'll just eat." I said to myself, and jumped down from the tree, did a backflip, and landed on the ground. I walked towards the village, and lowered my head to avoid getting seen. As I expected, the guards were asleep. They're on their duty yet they're just sleeping like this? No wonder intruders easily get inside their village.

I looked ahead, and saw ninjas. We all share the same age..... Or I think we do..? Anyway, I saw their forehead protectors. It has different symbols, and that's when I noticed that there are ninjas from different villages in here. I wonder why they're gathered.... Maybe something's up.

Soon, I was standing in front of a ramen shop. The scent of the delicious ramen's attracting me. I can't wait to taste one. I sat on a stool, and the girl in there walked towards me, not really.... Just nearer.

"What would you like to order..... Uhm...... Sir...?" She asked, and I mentally sweatdropped. Oh well. She can't see my face anyway, so yeah, she won't be able to recognize me.

"Give me the best one." I said using a deep voice, just pretending to be a man and all.

"Oh! Sure..!! We'd be happy to." The girl said, and walked back to the old man. Then, they started to cook.

"Oh yeah! It's so nice to.... Eh? I've never seen you around here. And why are you covered like that? You're just like Kakashi-sensei, believe it!" A blond boy exclaimed, suddenly popping out of nowhere, while pointing an accusing finger at me. I just ignored him, and waited for my food. He sat down beside me, and started to poke me. Dammit!! He's so annoying!

"Hey! Can you speak?? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Hey!! I'm talking to you!"

"Can you even hear me?!"

"Here's your order! Oh! Naruto! Nice to see you here!! Are you going to order the usual?" The girl asked, and the Naruto guy nodded, grinning. The scent of the ramen in front of me filled my nostrils. This smells like heaven! I can't wait to taste this!! I broke the chopsticks in half, and glanced at the Naruto guy, just to catch him staring creepily at me, probably waiting for me to remove my mask. When he noticed that I'm giving him a hard look, he turned his head away, and whistled. Stupid.

"I'd be borrowing the bowl." I said out of the blue using a man's deep voice, and suddenly ran away from there, the bowl of hot ramen in my hands.

"E-EH?!! HEY!! YOU HAVEN'T PAID YET!!" I heard the old man yell, and I just continued to run, ignoring him. I don't know what the Naruto guy did, but who cares. All I know is that I'm very hungry.

I halted to a stop, and hid behind a random house. I ate my ramen there, and when I finished doing so, I placed the empty bowl, and chopsticks on the ground, stood up, jumped on the roofs of random houses, and sat on the roof of the tallest and biggest house I randomly found. I lied down there, and gazed at the beautiful night sky with beautiful sparkling stars. Then, I closed my eyes, and took a nap.

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