Chapter 50 ~Team Up With The Freaks?~

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Kou's POV

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FREAK!!" I yelled as I immediately stood up, jumping away.

That Tsunade lady ran towards the two freaks in an incredible speed, and raised her foot, bringing it down and unexpectedly destroying the ground!! She attacked them and destroyed the place! Literally!! I jumped away because her attack destroyed everything, even the roof I was sitting on!! The wind was also strong as fvck! I jumped away, and ended up across from the two freaks, who jumped away as well, I'm still on the roof though, but just further away from them. When the wind died, I saw a huge crater with the lady standing in the middle. It's a freaking perfect circle!! That lady is a wreck!

"It'll be a pleasure to kill you both!!" She yelled, and punched the wall below the two freaks, totally destroying it, but those two cowards jumped away again, and landed on a branch. Damn.




"So.... They just ran away? Those two freaking useless cowards...." I muttered under my breath.

I stood up, and jumped down, running as well, and following them.


"THIS FREAKING LADY IS SERIOUSLY GOING TO MAKE DAMN EARTHQUAKES AND CREATE DAMN CRATERS EVERYWHERE!!" I yelled while hiding behind a huge rock. I'm currently meters away from them to be safe. Those two creeps led her here in an open field with not-so-many huge rocks and boulders around. It's better to fight here though than destroy a poor abandoned village.

"Boom! That stupid faker is fighting the lady!! This is gonna' be awesome to watch!" I exclaimed, sitting on top of the rock I was hiding behind from before.






"What the hell?! Naruto and that stupid old man and that lady!! Oh look, a pig!!! WHAT ON EARTH?!? Party poopers!" I yelled disappointedly while looking at them. They just appeared in front of that blondie after that violet smoke!! No way! The fight was getting awesome!!

But anyway.... I didn't care about their long-time-no-see greetings, and walked towards the snake bastard, jumping off the rock in the process.

"Sorry to disturb you, snake freak, but can I talk to you for a minute?"

"KOU?! What are you doing here?! And why are you stained with so much blood?!!" Naruto asked while pointing a trembling finger at me, shock written all over his face.

"This? Well, let's say I just played a bit...." I said with a smirk, remembering what I did.


I simply gave Naruto an are-you-dumb-? look, and rolled my eyes, ignoring his outburst. I stood beside the snake freak, and looked up a bit at him.... I'm small, okay?!

"Did you hear what I just said, bastard?"

"Foul-mouthed as ever. What do you want, little girl?" A vein appeared on my temple when he said little girl, but decided to shrug it off.

"Is it true that you can bring back the dead? I heard your deal with that lady over there. As you've known, I'm watching and following you, bastards, for minutes now, ever since I found you again. I just want to know if what you said was a fact." I said, looking at my feet, and shoving my hand in my pocket. I held the slimy thing, and remained looking below.

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