Chapter 26 ~The Preliminaries?!~

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"Sasuke, go ahead, and tell them. She will not be able fight in her condition."

My consciousness slowly went back, and I opened my eyes, just to see.... Too lazy to explain the things around me right now. Sasuke's carrying me on his back by the way, and I held tightly, my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling. I also tightened my hold on his waist, I'm using my legs to do that, okay? Anyway, he noticed me do those things, and looked at me from his shoulder as he lifted me up a bit by my thighs.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. Put me down now." I said, and he gave me a weird look.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can still manage. Don't worry."

"I told you, I'm fine. Where are we anyway?" I asked while looking at my surroundings. There are a lot of ninjas, and there's a big hand statue, which is in a kind of handsign. The second part of the Exam's done, right? I can't believe that I blacked out for the *random number*th time already! Ugh. I really hate it.

"Explain everything that happened when I was out of this world first."


"*sweatdrops* Tell me what happened when I was unconscious. Every single thing."

"Well, when the four of us entered our designated room in the tower, you fell face-first on the floor. I know that you're quite aware of that. Anyway, I picked you up, and placed you beside us. *K.... talks about Sasuke pertaining her being a lifeless thing instead of a person* While I was doing so, Sakura was reading the writings on a small portion of the wall in front of us, telling us to open both scrolls at the same time afterwards, which we did. At first, we had no idea what's the meaning of the writings inside it, but then I realized that it was a summoning technique. Naruto and Sakura threw the scrolls on the floor, and with a poof of white smoke, Iruka-sensei appeared. He told us many things, but not after asking what happened to you, and I had to explain the last battle that occured before we reached the tower. Now, we're here. Awhile ago, Hokage-sama explained the true purpose of this exam, and—"

"Good thing, I was knocked out! I can't handle long blabberings! Wait.... How about our scrolls, Sasuke? Did you open it, too?"

"Yeah, I did. Kakashi-sensei appeared in ours. Thanks for reminding."


"And not so long ago, the proctor for the third exam said something about having a preliminary exam before moving to the real one—"

"WHAT?! Man! What a pain in the ass!! Hey damn people! Why do we freaking have to take a damn preliminary stuff huh?! Why not just freaking move on to the stupid third exam?! Ugh!!" I yelled, and the ninjas in front of us, including the leader.... Hokage..... Anyway, they all looked at me, and I just glared back at them.

"I'm sorry! Ignore her, please. *faces K—* Back to what I was saying—"

"Shut the hell up, Sasuke! I'm asking them!!"

"I'm going to explain it to you, alright? Stop shouting! You're destroying my ears! Remember that you're still on my back!"

"I told you to put me down already!"

"We have to take the preliminaries because the proctor said that they need to reduce the number of the competitors. Simply because we're too many. Now, they're asking who can't fight, and is physically unstable, and that would be you. So, raise your hand, and tell them that you're—"

"WHAT?!! No way!! Who told you that I can't freaking fight anymore huh?! You and your lame ideas!" I can't believe that he ignored what I said! Didn't I tell him to put me down?

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