Chapter 13 ~Her Worst Birthday~

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I remained staring at the ceiling for hours as memories came flashing back into me. The time when they killed my family flashed back like a video clip.


It's my birthday today, and I can't wait to have fun with Brother and my parents. They said that they'd be having a surprise ready, so I should come home quick. Everyday, I train myself, that's why.... Including today.

I ran towards my house with a grin plastered on my face. This is so exciting! I wonder what they got for me!!

"Brother! Mom! Dad!! I'm home!" Dad didn't go to work today because he said that today's a special day, and he also said that during special days, you should stay home, and not go anywhere. Hehe..... I still trained myself though because it's already a routine, and I just can't help myself not to train.

The house was quiet, and it has a dark aura. This makes my heart beat fast. I don't know why, but I feel so nervous.

"M-Mom? Brother?? Dad? I told you that I hate creepy stuffs like this!! I know it's my birthday and all, but I don't want a surprise that has a creepy aura like this!! Brother! Where are you..?" I asked, but received no reply whatsoever, and only silence itself responsed.

"Oh? It's your birthday? What a great timing! Happy birthday, little girl!! And guess what, we got you a present!"

I stared at the men walking towards me with a big brown box, frightened. Who are they? How did they get inside our house? And most importantly, where are the others? Where's Brother?

"S-Sister..!! Get a-away from here!" I was stunned when Brother suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and held my wrist, running out of the house afterwards.

"Where do you think you're bringing her?!!"

I took a good look at Brother, just for me to see his horrible condition. He has bloody ropes tied around the both of his wrists, which look like he forcefully yanked it off from wherever it was tied. He's also full of bruises, and cuts, and wounds! His clothes are ripped in some places, and are full of blood. I don't know what to feel right now. Seeing him like this..... I.... I just cried. I don't know anymore. My mind's not functioning.

"Snap out of it! Get away from here, gets? Run away, and never come back!!" Brother yelled at me while holding my arms, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"B-But Brother.... Where's Mom and Dad..? How about my birthday....?" I asked while crying, and he just wiped my tears away with his bloody hand, causing my face to get blood all over it. Then, he smiled, and that smile made my heart shatter into pieces.

"I g-guess.... We'll h-have to d-do it in another d-day..." He breathed out, and planted a kiss on my forehead, making me cry even more. Tears trickled down his face, too.

"There they are!!"

"G-Go!" Brother pushed me, but I didn't run away, and clutched his waist instead.

"N-No!! I'm not leaving you, Brother!" I yelled stubbornly.

"You have to go!"

"Don't force her, boy. She still hasn't opened our present for her."

"No! Run!!" Brother tried to remove my arms around his waist, but didn't succeed on doing so because I tightened my hug even more. Tears were streaming down my face as I glared at the men in front of us.

"Leave us alone!!"

"I guess I'll just open it for you, eh?"

"No... D-Don't look....!!" Brother covered my eyes, but I removed it. Then, before I even know it, the box was already open.

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