Chapter 19 ~Game In The Forest Of Death!~

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We already talked to Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke explained the strategy. We will meet up inside the forest, and join up together. It would be a bit difficult though because we're on the other side of it. We got the 44th gate! The very last gate. As for Naruto and Sakura, they got the 12th gate. Awesome, right?

"First, we'll join up. Second, once we're all together again, we'll get the two scrolls we need for Naruto's team and ours. Third, we'll go to that tower in the middle. Okay? Don't separate from me." Sasuke said, and I simply nodded.

"Don't worry about getting the scrolls. I'll do that." I whispered under my breath. The ninja in front of us unlocked the gate and.....

"Game on."

Sasuke and I dashed off, and jumped from tree to tree. I can feel the excitement in my system. Taking out my only weapon, I increased my speed, and my eyes immediately scanned the place. Now, we have to find those two. We have to speed up, and get to the other side!

"Sasuke, I'll be going ahead of you if you move like a snail." I said, and continued to jump.


"Be careful. It's starting." Sasuke said, and that scream just made me even more excited. Save that up for later, we have to join up first. Wait.... Why don't we use the easy way? It's impossible to find them by just running anyway.

"Sasuke, halt."

"What's the matter?"

"Since we have to find Naruto and Sakura fast, why don't we teleport instead of running like this?"

"Do you know how?"

"Yes. This is the only thing I know that takes up a bit much of energy from me. Dad taught me this when I was still a kid, and.... I hope it works. Hold my hand." I said, and Sasuke did what he was told. My eyes fluttered close, and I thought of Naruto and Sakura. My other hand formed different handsigns, and I focused on the picture of them. This is the first time I will actually do it. Dad said that it's quite dangerous since I don't have any control over my energy at all. What's that called again? Chakra.


"Woah!!" I yelled, and fell on..... Naruto. Sasuke gracefully landed on the ground on both feet, and as for me, epic fail.

"Damn, that freaking hurts." I muttered, and Naruto gave me an I-should-be-the-one-saying-that look. Standing up, Sakura looked at us in shock.

"H-How did you..? You two fell from the sky!!" She exclaimed, and Sasuke sweatdropped.

"Man! I really have to pee now!"

"Hurry up, Naruto." I said, and he went through the bushes. Then, something suddenly felt weird. My head started to hurt, and my sight got blurry, causing me to fall down on my knees, and hold my head in pain.

"What's happening?!" Sasuke asked, and removed my mask again.

"What's happening to you? Are you alright?" He asked again, noticing my pained expression, and I just breathed heavily.

"I-I'm good. Just a bit.... Dizzy." I said, and Sasuke helped me up by placing my arm around his shoulders, and carefully pulling me up by the waist. That's weird. My head hurts. I feel like puking my stomach out.

"Sakura, hold her for me, would you?" Sasuke said, and slowly passed me to the said girl.

"What happened to her, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked worriedly, and remained holding me. I can't focus too much. My head's spinning. Ugh...

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