Chapter 32 ~Hanging Out With The Sand Siblings!~

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I sat on the couch upside down and moaned in boredom. What can I do for the meantime? It's so boring! I've been staring at nothing here in Sasuke's house and it's just too quiet! I did everything I could think of! I cooked some meals for myself, I did different hairstyles, I washed my clothes, I took a nice and long bath, I played rock-paper-scissors with my reflection in the mirror, I cleaned the house, I fixed my things, I climbed up and down the stairs, I baked dozens of cookies, I randomly talked to myself, I played with my invisible friends, I watched the clouds from the window, and I even made Shikamaru's face out of a pineapple!! What can I do to pass time? Training maybe? That's what I always do when I was a kid. But I'm too lazy to do so! Ugh! Wait.... Kankuro, along with me, Temari, and Gaara, can hang out! Just like what he said! That wouldn't be so bad! And maybe I can be friends with them!

I braided my long white hair, which stops on my knees, and wore something more.... Comfy. A simple green-colored shirt with no sleeves and a pair of black knee-length shorts. I also wore my black ninja sandals. I wore my back pack, which consists of some snacks, the cookies I baked awhile ago, some spear clothes, just in case, and my mask. Also, I brought my scissors with me.

My black shirt's gone. I really can't accept the fact that I did many things, from talking to Kankuro, watching Gaara's fight, butting in and saving Lee, up to the time when I faced Kabuto, just wearing my zipped-up cloak and without anything beneath it! Kakashi made me remove every clothing that was covering my upper body, remember?! And I wore my cloak because I was eager to fight that tongue freak! I forgot to wear my shirt! My humanity is destroyed!

Anyway, I sighed and teleported.


"What the heck are you doing here?!" Gay kitty yelled in disbelief, staring at me with wide eyes. Well, honestly, I thought of Kankuro and ended up teleporting in his room. That's what I wanted to happen anyway.

"You said that I can hang out with you, guys. It's because I'm bored!" I said and collapsed on his bed.

"H-Hey! Ugh..! Fine! Get up there!" He said and I just closed my eyes, fixing myself into a much comfy position on his bed. "Nah. Forget what I said. I decided that I want to sleep instead." I muttered and hugged the very first thing I touched, which was a pillow. "What??!?! Get off of my bed! And don't hug that! It's mine!" He yelled and yanked the pillow from me.

"I was kidding." I said, sitting up. Kankuro sweatdropped and I just stretched my arms. "So what do people do when they hang out with others?"

"Were you arguing with someone, Kankuro? I just heard you yell." Someone said from the other side of the door, who I recognized to be Temari. Kankuro looked at me and sighed. Then, he dragged me by my wrist and walked towards the door, opening it. "She suddenly appeared in my room." He said and Temari was shock at first, but got over it real quick. That's one way to blow my cover up, gay kitty. "Appeared in your room huh? Or maybe you sneaked her in when we weren't looking?"

Kankuro's face flamed as he glared daggers at his sister. As for me, I just stared boredly at them. "What?! Why would I even do that huh!!?" He defensed.

"Come on, can we all go out or something? If you got something to do, just tell me so I can leave already. I feel bad for suddenly intruding your peaceful home." I said and they both looked at me at the same time. "Go out? You shouldn't be wasting your time and train hard instead." Temari said and I didn't move a single muscle. "Fine." I said and was about to walk away when Kankuro stopped me. "Uhh wait! I'm free! We can hang out for awhile, that is.... If you want to.. But it's fine with me if you got some other important matters-"

"Come on, gay kitty."


I sighed and lied down on the grassy ground, staring at the sky. Kankuro did the same. "What's your story?"

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