Chapter 6 ~Captured By A Plant!~

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Kakashi's POV

"Did you get any trace of her?"

We all looked at each other, then, back at Hokage-sama.

"I don't think so, Hokage-sama." I said while scratching my head, and he just sighed.

"Chunin Exams are coming up. We have to end this. I don't want her roaming around here while the Chunin Exams are being held."

"Hokage-sama!!" Someone called out as the door slammed open. Oh, it's just Tsume Inuzuka, Kiba's mother.

"Hokage-sama! Does this count? We found this at the bakery!" She said, and Hokage-sama nodded.

"Good." He said. Wait.... Bakery..? What did she do there?

"That's good, Tsume. Use that, and track her down. I'm giving this mission to you. Construct a Tracking Unit, and bring ANBUs with you. Report as soon as possible."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." She said, and bowed down.

"Can we help?" I asked.

"Just guard the village, and make sure that she won't get herself inside here again." He said, and I nodded.


"Now, where will I go?" I asked myself while playing with the blade of my knife.

"Maybe go, and find another village? Then, kill people...?" I'm getting insane. Talking to myself and all.

"Sounds fun." But I'm not in the mood to get dirty again. Ugh.

I just continued to walk, not having a single clue where my feet will bring me.

Tobi's POV

"Oh? That's one heck of a girl." I commented after Zetsu told me about her. He said that she killed about three chunins, four jounins, and twenty-three villagers, including children, and their parents.

"Find her. She'll be very useful." I said, and Zetsu merged into the wall, disappearing.

She can be very useful.


I'm starving again. Oh wait.... What's that? A Dango shop? Nice! I ran towards it, and looked around. Maybe this is a stop for travelers. Yeah. This must be. Oh well, I guess this is their last day!

"May I help you, Miss?" An old lady asked while smiling warmly at me, and I just smiled back.

"Can I please have dangos for free? I don't have any money because I'm just a poor traveler."

Her face changed in an instant.

"Well, this isn't built for beggars! Get lost!!" She yelled, and turned around, walking back inside. I frowned. They're just nice to attract customers. Damn fakers.

"Well, you know what, Granny? I'll make my own dangos. And guess what? You just dug your own grave." I said, and she stiffened.

"What did you say?! You disrespectful lady!" Am I really that bad?

"Oh, you're already deaf. Well, that's great, right, Granny?" I said, and she just threw a tray at me.

"Get lost!"

I dodged it, and dashed towards her, bringing out my knife, and stabbing her in the stomach. She gasped, and I just pierced her forehead using my bloody knife. Talk about being dirty again. Tsk.

"Rest in peace, Granny." I said, and kicked her away, her blood pooling around the place.

"What did you say about making a new recipe, Grandma?" A man, who came out of a room all of a sudden, asked, while drying his hands off using a towel.

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