Chapter 48 ~Chats And Talks~

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Kou's POV

I breathed heavily as I held the shark freak's fat sword, which is still on my bleeding stomach. My black shirt's a bit torn up in the stomach part and the spikes of his fat sword are still pierced in my flesh, causing my blood to flow off and flood my area. My hands are also bleeding and both have scratches and cuts and wounds on it because I'm holding the spikes and the fat sword itself to prevent the stupid shark freak from further shoving it down my stomach. Tears didn't stop from flowing down my face too. I'm so exhausted. I don't know what to exactly do or what I should really do right now. Should I just fight Itachi and the shark freak off because they're rogue ninjas and are very dangerous and because they'll just result nothing but trouble in this place and to us if they stay longer? Should I just lecture Sasuke and drag his big brother's butt back to our village because he is his brother anyway and they must talk and stop their conflicts and make everything clear between them and I'll just have to kill the shark freak with the help of some ninjas back there in our village? Should I just watch them and let them do whatever they want to do with one another because I really don't know why these two rogue ninjas came here and why Sasuke really wants to see Naruto and why he hates his brother so much that he already wants to kill him? Should I just chat with them for a while and know the whole reason behind this mess before deciding to do something so recklessly without any right or thing to back-up my reason of doing it? Should I just escape and drag Naruto and Sasuke out of here while I have the chance because we're no match for these strong rogue ninjas and because our lives are important more than anything for now? Should I just talk to them first and make everything clear? Alright. I'll go with the last option.... But will they willingly and honestly participate with me? Will they even bother talking to someone who looks so pitiful at the moment like me? It's worth a shot though.

"Itachi.... Why did you show your freaking face here, along with that shark freak, all of a sudden? What do you want? What's your purpose?" Sasuke's ball of lightning thing died down but he remained glaring at his brother and is glancing at me every now and then. As for Naruto, he's just standing there, staring at the two rogue ninjas, like an idiot.

"We came here to bring Naruto with us." Too short and not too detailed.

"For what? What do you need with him?"

"It's our mission." That doesn't really answer my question. What do they want with a dumb ninja like Naruto? Nevermind. The thing is..... Itachi and that shark freak came here to get Naruto and probably do something bad to him. We don't know what they'll do. Execute him? Kill him? Capture him and lock him up? But why? I don't need those informations for now. Let's keep this as wide as possible, as long as there's still some time to spare. I just need some ideas from them and answers for my questions.

"Sasuke, why do you hate your brother? Why do you want to kill him?"

"It's because Itachi wiped out their whole clan! Honestly, I thought that he did wipe it all out and left no one, but I was obviously wrong because he didn't kill his little brother. That's why Sasuke hates him so much!! Hahahaaha!" The shark freak said and laughed, making Sasuke glare daggers at him. I didn't ask him for all I know. I asked Sasuke, right? Nevermind. This shark freak's a bit helpful and that's what matters.

"Itachi, why did you do such a thing? Do you hate your own clan? Do you have conflicts with it?"

"I did that to simply test my powers."

"Is that what he said to you, Sasuke?"

"Yes. Exactly the same."

"And you believed it like that?" I asked and Sasuke glared at the ground, but looked at me afterwards. He did believe it. Such an idiot.

"I don't believe you, Itachi. Your reason's too light. Who would even kill his own relatives and wipe out his whole clan just to test his stupid powers? What a lame excuse. You lived with them and have grown with them beside you. All of you shared moments with one another and you just killed them like that? It's pretty stupid hearing these from a killer and a murderer who already took many lives in a dirty way, but isn't it true? I became like that, a heartless killer, because two certain people took everything away from me, they took my happiness and emotionally took my life. How about you? Did they took your happiness? For all I know, your parents and your sibling, Sasuke, were there with you. That's a person's happiness, right? That's a person's everything, right? Or maybe someone from the clan killed your parents, that's why you killed everyone from it? He *points a bleeding finger at Kisame* said that you wiped out the clan, so, it means that you also killed your own parents, am I right or wrong? I don't blame you for keeping the real reason from your little brother but I do blame you for leaving him and turning him into a stupid dumb-ass. Maybe because it's a top secret, that's why you have to keep it from him and decided to create a stupid excuse and knowing that your little brother is incredibly stupid, he did believe you and you succeeded on what you want to happen. Right now, your brother wants to kill you because you took everything away from him, and you're perfectly fine with that?" I asked and noticed that Itachi took out a kunai knife, pointing it at me.

"Stop making stories or else I'll shut you up myself. You're becoming too noisy." He said but I didn't mind him. I continued talking.

"And you, Sasuke.... You believed a stupid excuse because you were afraid or maybe angry that time? Or maybe because you're just so brainless and is such a dumb-ass ever since you were born? You want to kill the only person who shares the same blood, the only family you have left, just because you let yourself believe some stupid excuse. No matter how many times you turn the world upside down or turn it around and around, it won't still change the fact that Itachi is your brother. After succeeding on your so-called one and only purpose of living, which is killing your own damn brother, what will you feel? Happy or empty? Happy because you succeeded on avenging your family or empty because you killed the only family you have left? Because you didn't know the true reason and you believed a lie? Because you became so stupid and didn't think it through? Sasuke, maybe you're thinking that it's easy for me to say such things because I don't know how you feel and I don't know what you've been through, but how many times do I have to say to you that I know the feeling of losing everything so much? That I'm very familiar with that kind of pain? Why don't you just talk to him first and make everything clear before making a decision-" I was cut off when the fat sword was kicked away from me and a kunai knife immediately pierced my flesh exactly below my chest and above my stomach, causing me to bite my lower lip in pain.

"I told you to shut up already." Itachi said with his blazing red Sharingan burning holes in my eyes. His face was near me and he has that angry look all over his features. I coughed out blood when he deepened the knife and held his hand afterwards, the one he's using to hold the knife, to prevent him from pushing it deeper inside.

"Kou!! Get away from her!!!" Naruto yelled and ran towards me, only to get shoved away by the shark freak.

"I don't know why you're so mad, Itachi.... Is that because I was right? Heh. I was right, wasn't I? You're guilty. You kept the real reason from your brother and now that I'm giving him the idea of what you did, you told me to shut up because your plan will be ruined when he finds out, right? *painfully smirks* You're too easy to read, Itachi. You're like a magazine, so very easy to read." I said and before he can even do something, Sasuke already launched himself at him and attacked him using the ball of lightning thing. He failed on wounding him though and just got his wrist broken by Itachi.

"Stop hurting each other.... You're siblings......" Damn. I'm losing too much blood. My sight isn't clear anymore. I'm getting dizzy. This is bad.... I'm getting....


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