Chapter 43 ~The Power Of The Curse Mark~

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Kou's POV

Sakura screamed in pain and my eyes widened. I looked at Temari and she just avoided eye contact, looking at the ground. I wiped my tears and stood up, glared at Gaara. That stupid good-for-nothing demon! I can't forgive that stupid sand beast for doing this to Gaara! I will never forgive that freak!!

"AREN'T YOU GONNA' PULVERIZE ME?!?" Gaara yelled, glaring at Naruto, and I just teleported, appearing on the freaky sand arm which is pinning Sakura on a tree.

"Gaara! I will save you from that stupid freaky sand demon!! I will not let that freak change the way you see things! I will never let that sand beast kill the Gaara I know!!" I yelled and with my strength and chakra combined, I pushed my scissors down the huge sand arm. A battle cry escaped my mouth as I forcefully shoved my scissors through it. Soon enough, with a boost of chakra, I was able to cut it half, freeing Sakura from its grasp. Gaara expectedly screamed in pain. Before Sakura fall, I immediately caught her and landed on the branch beside Sasuke. On the other hand, Naruto launched himself at Gaara but unluckily got shoved back. In a split second, I placed Sakura down and caught Naruto this time. It's better if someone catches them than letting them hit something hard.

"T-This guy...." Naruto said and I looked at him. Maybe I should volunteer on fighting Gaara. I don't want to hurt him but in order to defeat that stupid freak, I have to defeat the one who's controlling it. I have to defeat Gaara.

"Naruto, let me fight him. You stay here and take care of these two."

"What?! Are you insane? There's no way you'll be able to win against him! I should be the one who-"

"Gaara's my friend. You barely know him. I've been hanging out with them for weeks and I know what this is all about. I just have to defeat that stupid sand beast before it completely takes over him and his freaking brain. As his friend, I have to be the one who saves him from that stinky demon. Naruto, have faith on me because I can beat him for sure." I said and glared at Gaara, who just glared back at me. I think what I said was a lie. I'm not so sure if I can beat him. My stomach's still aching a bit because of Gaara's not-so-gentle shove. Also, my back still hurts. Nevermind. If I let my killer mode out and ignore the physical pain I'm feeling right now, I'll be able to defeat him. That's right. I just have to return back to who I was before. Game on.

Naruto's POV

"Kou.... W-What the heck..? You idiot..... You w-won't be able to defeat a guy like him..." Sasuke said and I looked at the girl. Kou? So, that's her name! How did Sasuke find out?

"Have a little faith on me, you freaking hell of a show-off. Now that I'm feeling a lot damn better, I can freaking take him on!" Kou exclaimed and smirked. She's like the girl from before..... The girl who loves to kill people. Those eyes of her right now look just like the way it was before. Personality split or something?

Kou's POV

"Hey sand freak! Wanna' play a freaking game?!" I asked with a smirk and he just laughed like the freak he is. This made me smirk wider.

"Kou! Hahahaha!! I can't believe that you'll fight me for them! This is ridiculous! I know that you already have the idea of what I'm capable of but that will not be enough to be able to beat me! You'll just kill yourself!" Gaara said but my smirk didn't leave my features. Let's see about that.

"*chuckles* Your damn answer is far from the one I want to know. I was asking if you want to play with me and instead, you freaking blabbered nonsense things that didn't even have anything to do with my damn question! Ohh...! You're afraid to fight me, aren't you!? You're afraid to fight a person who's just like you!! The one who murders people and loves the sight of blood! Let me guess why?? *laughs crazily* It's because you'll end up like my other freaking victims!! *laughs again* Let's begin the game then? This is exciting...." I said with a smirk and put a small cut on my left index finger, wiping the blood across the blades of my scissors. I missed seeing my scissors covered in blood. Now, I'll be able to paint it blood red again! Hahahaha!!

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