Chapter 42 ~Understanding Each Other~

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Kou's POV

Without any warning, Sasuke stood up and used the noisy lightning ball thing on Gaara again. About that, I remember seeing it before. Oh yes! Kakashi also know how to do that kind of annoying technique. Anyway, I can't believe that he ignored me when I was already so freaking serious. I was referring to that jerky show-off. Of course, he won't let me fight 'cause I'm not in the right condition to.

I remained watching soullessly as Sasuke landed back beside me and suddenly fell flat on the surface. Also, his markings are all over his face again. Hey about that, to be honest, I already kind of forgot that I also have the same mark as Sasuke's. It doesn't hurt or anything. I don't know why but I removed the seal that locks up my chakra and still, it doesn't hurt. Maybe because of the seal Kakashi did? Well, whatever.

"It's finally my turn, huh?"

Gaara released a growl-like battle cry as he launched himself at our direction. To my disappointment, Naruto just had to show up and punch him on the face. So? When will I be able to fight? It's not like I want Gaara to be hurt so, maybe it'll be better if I stay here and watch them. At least, it wasn't me who's hurting him. Damn. I'm freaking stupid. Nevermind.

"S-Sasuke..!!" Sakura called out while comforting him or whatever you want to call it. I just rolled my eyes at her and pointed a finger at the stupid dog.

"Stupid dog, who's the enemy? Why is a fight occuring? I understand that this stupid jerky show-off just wants to finish his damn match, but it really doesn't make any freaking sense. They wouldn't have to go this far. Also, what's happening back in the arena? Why are those two old men locked up in a violet box-like thing? Answer me or else I'll make a curry out of you." I asked, still pointing a finger at him, and a vein's popping out of his forehead, probably because of my insults, but it immediately disappeared when he noticed my serious-looking face. I'm not wearing my mask if you don't know. I just want someone to answer the questions that have been running inside my mind and bugging me for a long time now. I don't want to believe that my friends are the enemy because it's not possible anyway. There must be some other reason why this is happening. Maybe it's all just a misunderstanding or something. Maybe I'm just judging them based on the unexpected events that occured lately. I really have to stop thinking bad things about them.

"It looks like the village had been attacked and they planned it all along. It was really so sudden. How should I know the exact details? I've been summoned out of the blue and had to track down Sasuke and lead these guys the way. There's one thing I know though..... Orochimaru's behind all of this. That's for sure." Orochimaru? That was the snake freak from before! The one who attacked us in the Forest of Death! Good thing, he decided to remain back there in the village. He'll surely pay for what he did to me! He'll pay for giving me this stupid hell of a curse mark!

"That's a relief. I thought that Gaara and the others were involved in this stupid-"

"I think they are. I think they joined forces with Orochimaru and planned to attack the village. No wonder they tried to run away and escape." Sakura said and I glared at her.

"No way! They probably just wanted to run away because they don't want to get involved in this stupid hell! There's no way that they would team up with that freaking tongue freak! And besides, they wouldn't betray me because we're friends. They won't keep anything hidden from me because they promised it." I defended, but instantly felt some regrets. Why? Why can't I let myself believe them? What if they were true and I was just believing some bluffs because of that promise? What if they were true all along and I can't let myself believe them because of the thought that Temari and the others surely wouldn't do it? No! They're wrong! I know them so well! But.... Why did Temari apologize then? Argh!! Why am I hesitating to believe and have faith on my friends?! Why am I hesitating to believe that stupid dog?! Why can't I decide to believe on just one and not both?! I don't know who to believe. I really don't.

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