Chapter 7 ~A Comforting Hug From A Stranger~

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My consciousness slowly went back, and I nearly jumped twenty feet high, screaming, and startling the people around me.

"What the heck! You almost gave me a heart attack, hm!!"

"Good. You're awake."

"What a bi-" I glared at the one who said that, causing him to cut himself off.

"You good-for-nothing old fart......" I trailed off..... When I noticed that I'm not wearing my coat!! I screamed again, and tackled the plant freak.

"Where is my coat?!" I yelled at him, and he just stared at me.


"Gosh! I hate you!!" I yelled, and collapsed on the bed, covering my eyes with my arms. I hate it. I hate this. Damn. They saw me without my coat!

"Why? You don't want people to see your appearance? What's wrong? You're beautiful, hm." A boy with long blonde hair said, and I just sat up, looking at him.

"You really think so?" I asked, and he stifled a laugh.

"S-She's stupid, hm......!"

"Shut up if you don't want to get your head sliced off!"

"It's just that.... Pfft wahhaaha!! She actually believed me! Hahahaha!!! Such a fool, hm!"

I smiled as memories came flashing back into me.


Mom hummed a tune as she brushed my long grayish white hair. She loves doing this. She brushes my hair, and braids it everyday after I take a bath.

"Don't cut your hair, alright? It suits you, and makes you more beautiful." Mom said, and I turned my head, looking at her.

"You really think so, Mom?" I asked, a smile forming up on my face.

"I know so." Mom said, and kissed my forehead.

I giggled, and hugged her. She hugged me back, and kissed me again.

"You're my one and only beautiful princess."


I giggled again as I took a bite on my brother's chocolate.


"Now, look! You made her cry!! Since you're the reason why she did, it's your job to stop her!"


I hugged my knees as I sobbed. Mom told me not to cry, but I guess.... I just can't stop myself from doing so. These tears remained inside me for such a long time because I won't let myself release it, but right now..... I think I'm releasing it all. I'm letting them fall. Why....? I just miss them so much. The happy times we had together..... It just vanished. The time when those..... Ninjas..... Killed them right in front of me. Right in front of my very own eyes. I saw how they ended my brother's life. I saw them holding the proof that they took my parent's lives. I saw how they took Mom, Dad, and Brother away from me.

"Uhh.... I'm sorry. Don't cry anymore, hm..? I take back what I said. I was just teasing you, you know..!! I really didn't mean it. You're really beautiful. I'm honest, hm."

I felt a hand on my head, and I lifted it up, just to see the same blond man from before. He smiled apologetically, and I just reached out my hand, touching his smooth face. He stiffened, and gave me a weird look, but I just held his face in between my small hands, and smiled at him.


I cried loudly as I held my bleeding knee. Brother tripped me, and I got a scratch on my knee! It hurts!!

"What happened?" Mom asked, and I just pointed an accusing finger at my brother.

"He tripped me, and did this!" I yelled, making Mom glance at Brother.


"I didn't do it!"


"But it wasn't-" He cut himself off when Mom gave him a hard look. Brother sighed in defeat, and stomped towards me.

"Alright. Fine. I'm sorry." He said with a blank face, and Mom rolled her eyes.


"I'm sorry, Sister." Brother said, smiling, and I held his face in between my hands.

"Apology accepted, Brother." I said, and hugged him as he hugged back.


"Apology accepted..... Brother...." I said, and hugged him. He stiffened, but soon relaxed, and hugged back. It feels so good to be hugged again. I feel like I'm safe when someone's arms are around me. It feels so comforting.

Deidara's POV

Maybe she remembered her brother. Poor girl. I hugged her tightly, and she buried her face on my chest. This is just what she needs. Love and comfort.

"I will be right here, hm...." I muttered, and hugged her even tighter.

I wonder what happened to her before....

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