Chapter 30 ~My Turn To Fight!~

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"I'm not going to fight, am I?" I asked myself while staring at the fat unconscious boy.

"And because of the odd numbers of the competitors, we'll pick an opponent for her in random, and when this person's name appears in the screen, that person has to fight again, even if he won back in his previous match." The proctor said, alerting me. The others complained, and protested, saying that it's not fair. Was he.... Was he talking about me? If so.... Maybe I could......

"That's the decision of Hokage-sama." He added.

"If my opponent already won his previous match, either he win or not in the second match, let him still move on to the finals.... But if he lost, moving to the finals will depend on the outcome of our match. It's not like he'll be able to win against me, but it'll still be like a second chance for him. There. That's fair."

"Hokage-sama?" The proctor asked, and the said old man nodded.

"If that's what she insists." As if I'll let myself lose. They're all weak.

"Alright. For the last and final match...." I stared at the screen, and smirked when a name appeared in it.

"Neji Hyūga versus the masked girl." Cool name. Hahahahha!!

Naruto, and the others gasped.

"What?! She'll just end up like Hinata! Pick another opponent for her!!" He yelled, and a vein popped on my forehead.

"YOU MORON!! I'M NOT HER, SO I WON'T END UP LIKE HER!!" I yelled. After that, I jumped over the railing, and down to the fighting area. I walked towards the middle, and faced Neji.

Finally, it's my turn.

"If both are ready, you may now begin."

Neji took his fighting stance, and I didn't move a muscle. My hand snaked into the side pocket of my back pack, and carefully took my scissors. He's a close-ranged fighter, and I shouldn't let him hit me. I just have to be like Lee! Speed up, and attack him, and maintain my distance all at the same time! Or maybe.... No. I trained myself when I was a child anyway, so I can fight him without jumping back, just like what Hinata did.

I launched myself at him, and swung my scissors. He avoided this, and attacked me with his palm. Oh, and he also got his eye thing switched on.


We've been fighting like.... Ugh. Well, let's say that I'm still swinging my scissors, and he's just dodging it. He's attacking me with his palm, and I either dodge it or block it. Pretty boring if you ask me. I can keep up with the speed of his attacks, so it's cool.

Gotcha', boy!! An opening!

He attacked me again with his right palm, and I dodged it, held his right wrist, and kicked him below the chin in a split second. I punched him hard on the face afterwards, making him fly backwards. I launched myself at him again, and was about to stab him with my scissors when he rolled away in the nick of time, and I ended up hitting the ground instead.

Neji's POV

I immediately stood back up, and glared at her. This girl.... She has chakra points, but even if I hit those, it would be useless.... Because they're all switched off. Wait, no...... They're all dark violet in color. What's that supposed to mean? Are those switched off? How is that even possible? A person can't live without chakra, but.... How can she turn her chakra off....? Maybe she didn't. Maybe she doesn't have chakra at all! Maybe those aren't chakra points...!! But that's just obviously impossible!

She dashed towards me again with her annoying smirk, and we started a hand-to-hand combat once more. Not really.... That weapon of hers is getting in the way. It already gave me a few cuts.



"Enough. Move the both of them to the finals. Their fight is not going to end." Hokage-sama suddenly said, and we both froze to a halt, well.... Nope. I punched him on the face, and he flew back again, hitting the wall.

"That's no fun..... So we're both winners...." I said to myself.

It's starting to get challenging because we're both slowly getting exhausted. I mean, all we did were punch, dodge, attack, kick, and block. It's like a non-stop training. The fun part comes in when one gets exhausted before the other.


"BORING!!" I yelled, and face-planted on the ground, getting the attention of the others. This old man, Hokage, kept on blabbering about the final exam, and it's just so boring!


"I get it! We have to freaking wait for a month just to prepare, and relax, and train, and etc. etc. for the final exam! Period!" I said, sitting up, cross-legged. My face didn't hurt when I kissed the ground, thanks to my mask.

"You, the masked girl..... This might sound out of topic, but I want to know your name, and place of your birth." The old man said, and I just stared weirdly at him.

"Those are none of your concern."

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