Chapter 41 ~Warming Up For My Match~

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Kou's POV


Moment of silence....


I forced my eyes open and saw Gaara fighting Sasuke. The show off's just using clones, so he'll be fine. I just have.... To help him. I have to stop Gaara. I HAVE TO STOP HIM FROM BEING SUCH A DAMN BRAT. Anyway, I slowly stood up while holding my stomach with one hand and holding the tree for support using the other. Blood escaped my mouth again but I ignored it and walked towards Temari, who's currently sitting down in a crouching-like position but with knees together and has her arms over her head, covering it. She's afraid of her own little brother. Well, I can't blame her. Gaara's a freaking stubborn sand jerk.

"T-Temari..... It'll be a-alright.... I will help you......" I said and smiled at her when she looked up at me. Now, time for the real action. Hell. Can I even move? My stomach feels like it's damaged big time. Nevermind. I can endure this.

I teleported and appeared on a branch in front of Gaara.

"G-Gaara.... Hey... Gaara.... C-Can you still recognize me?" I asked while breathing hard. Damn. I'm panting like a freaking dog. Such an embarrassment.


I snapped back to reality and noticed that Sasuke's carrying me by the stomach with one arm. This made me grit my teeth in pain. His hold on my stomach is making it hurt even more. When he landed on a branch, he immediately put me down and looked at me. I can't believe myself. I didn't even notice that Gaara attacked me and if Sasuke wasn't there to carry me out of the way, I would probably be dead by now.

"Kou, you have to leave us. Let us fight. Don't interfere. The Gaara right now is not the Gaara you know. He's different at the moment and I have to fight him. That's the only way to make him stop." Sasuke said and I released a long sigh, accidentally coughing up blood in the process and catching his attention.

"L-Let me help you...."

"You're not in the condition to fight. Look at yourself. You can't even stand up straight. You'll just get in our way and get killed. So, move it. Run away." Sasuke said and he took off, leaving me there on the branch, staring into nothing. I once heard those words from my brother. Run away. Run. Escape. But why? Why can't I face those people and fight them? I appreciate their concern for me but why does it have to be always them to fight for my safety? Why always them? When can I be the one to fight for them? I want to fight now for the both of them.... Both of their safety.... For both of my friends' safety..... But can I? Can I still stand up and fight? I don't want to fight Gaara. I just want to stop him but that means.... I'll have to fight him.

"Why do you always run away?" I heard Gaara say after screaming in pain. I forced myself to stand up. I also removed the seal that locks up my chakra.... Completely. Then, with a boost of it, I jumped towards the branch in front of Gaara and landed gracefully. My arms moved on its own and raised itself at the same level as my shoulders.

"G-Gaara.... No matter how many times you push me away, I will always get on your freaking way and I'll never stop until that freaking demon beast leave you alone!" I yelled and gritted my teeth when something stung in my stomach. Damn. It freaking hurts. Gaara growled and glared at me but I didn't move a single muscle. I don't want to fight him.... But I want to stop him. I want to stop that demon inside him.

Gaara didn't talk for a minute but released a deafening growl-like battle cry afterwards.

"I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY!! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!! DO YOU HEAR, SASUKE UCHIHA!?!" Does he even bother to care that I'm here? Scratch that. He launched himself at me and I immediately took my scissors, leaving the lone kunai knife I got from the toilet paper dude, inside the kunai knife holder. I painfully did a backflip and landed on a branch a few meters away from Gaara to avoid his attack. Where's Sasuke hiding? I hope he's okay.

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