Chapter 18 ~Get Ready, Second Exam!~

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"Get up, and fix your things." I heard someone say, and before I can even complain, something hit my face, causing me to jolt up, and glare at the thing thrown at me. Oh.... A bag. Wait what? A bag? What's this for?

"What the..? It's so early! What the heck do I even have to do with this good-for-nothing stuff?!"

"We still have to take the second part of the Chunin Exams, so quit complaining, and get yourself up. I'll leave you if you don't hurry."

"As if I care!!"

"See you then."

"Kidding! Wait for me or else I'll rip your throat off, and feed it to my pet snail!"


"What is this place?" Naruto, who is currently standing next to me, asked while staring in awe at the huge creepy forest in front of us. Talk about awesome..!! I wonder what we have to do in there? Maybe bury people alive? Torture them? Peel their skin off, and feed them to those large abnormal insects? Sounds fun!! Oh look! There's also a lock, and a sign that says Forbidden Area. I'm surely going to enjoy this~!!

"This is where the Second Exam will take place. The 44th training area..... Also known as The Forest of Death." The Anko woman said. Oh my gosh! This is my freaking home!

"The Forest of Death?" Naruto repeated as the wind blowed passed us. I'm lovin' this~!! Hahaha!

Hey. That Anko woman should dress up. I can't help but notice her almost-naked body. She's wearing nothing but net, and something to cover her arms and shoulders and back and whatever! She looks..... Eew. Disgusting. She really needs to fix her style of clothing.

Shuffle.... Shuffle...

My gaze shifted from this Anko woman to the moving thing on the ground. Oh, would you look at that. A box with two holes..... And it's moving towards us. The ones inside that probably can't see that I'm looking at it because I'm wearing my mask. Naruto noticed this moving figure, and weirdly looked at it. When he did, it stopped.

"What's with the constipated face, Naruto?" I asked, and continued to stare at his weird face. This is amusing.

"A-Ah nothing...." Naruto replied, and started to walk. The box followed him, and I just watched them play tag. Naruto's so handsome and famous that a box is also chasing him! How cool. Anyway, Naruto started to run, and when the box did, too, I saw some feet underneath it. They're making quite a scene, and it irritates me. What will the others think? I'm pairing up with some sort of idiot? Look! All of the competitors are watching him! A vein appeared on my forehead, and pissed off, I slowly walked towards them. That's when Naruto stopped, and so as the good-for-nothing box.

"Hey, Konohamaru! What are you doing here?" He asked while pointing a finger at the box. I stayed behind it, and....

"I should have expected that from the man I look up to. Good job dete-"

"Shut up." I said, cutting off the boy, and kicked the box upwards. It flew, and hit Naruto straight on the face. When I looked down, there were three children. Two boys, and a girl.... They look younger than us. After blinking a few times, they suddenly stood up, and cleaned themselves up.

"The one who possesses the sex appeal of an adult, and the female ninja from the senior group, Moegi!" The girl said while striking a pose.

"The one who loves dividing numbers, Udon." The boy with glasses said. He should clean his nose, and bring lots of tissues.

"This village's number one genius ninja, Konohamaru!"

"The three of us make.... The Konohamaru Corps!!" The three said all at the same time. They all have weird.... Introductions. Why are these children here anyway? They shouldn't be around here because.... I don't know. They just piss me off big time. So noisy.

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